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Art Fair B.AGL afFAIRs 2013 “Faîtes votre jeu!” - Call for Artists and Galleries

ID: 811421

Applications now possible / Exhibitor Information released: January 2013

(IINews) - The B.AGL afFAIRs has opened this year´s application process! The B.AGL (Berlin. Artists Go Live) wants to give artists, associations and galleries an opportunity to represent themselves independently and sustainable to collectors, visitors and media as an active ground-breaking, cross-medial art-presentation-platform beyond the mainstream – parallel to “Berlin Art Week”. With advanced presence and programme the B.AGL afFAIRs will stage after 5 successful years, last at Hackescher Markt, now in Berlin´s creative point of intersection at Postbahnhof (at Ostbahnhof), a week-long artistic positions, embedded in performances, music, new media, and social network processes. This year´s topic “Faîtes Votre Jeu!“ wants to convey that art is also about fun and games – local tangible and additionally online. Thereby the B.AGL Art.Croupiers want to support all participating artists and galleries in a professional way beyond the unique event by creating a performative background-noise at the art market with a constantly online-presence.

Summing up, B.AGL will propel the art-game and also make an innovative contribution to the national and international presentation of Berlin as an exciting culture-center. The host E.AGL gallery in Berlin has already experience since 2009 in organizing and conceptualizing large-scale exhibitions (mostly twice a year).

Further data:
- favorable conditions for beginners, artists and galleries
- interesting early application discounts
- huge nationwide and international range, best location on site...
- venue: the international known venue Postbahnhof (at Ostbahnhof), in the catchment area of many “Berlin Art Week” events
- all in all 3000 m² exhibition area separated in 2 floors
- booths and solo-walls from 20 m² up to 60 m² (even more on request)
- solo-walls with surfaces from 5 m²
- several accompanying events in addition (music, performance...)

- lounge, bar and stage area separated from the exhibition space
- individual services bookable (Build-Up etc.)
- complete organization by the host
- several communication packages for exhibitors
- professional marketing and public relations
- event duration: 18/09/ – 22/09/2013 from 2pm till 11pm
- build-up: 17/09/2013, 12am – 8pm
- dismantling: 22/09/2013 from 7pm and 23.09.2013 from 8am – 11am

Applications are available in time separations (favorable early application discounts) but not later than 14/6/2013 at:

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Kunst ist schön / schrecklich / nervt / tut wohl.
Kunst verkörpert einzigartig zeitlosen Geist:
Herzlich Willkommen in der EAGL gallery!
Art is pretty / awful / annoying / makes you feeling great.
Art incarnates an unique and timeless spirit: Welcome at EAGL gallery!

Die EAGL gallery stellt mit ihrem werbe-basierten Konzept für die internationale Kunstszene die Weichen neu. Nachhaltige Werbung für den Künstler auf verschiedenen Ebenen ist das Motto.
Und die Rechnung geht auf: durch Ausstellungen, Events und gezielte Promotion, bei denen sich Meisterschüler und Autodidakten geplant oder spontan die Bühne mit Musikern und anderen darstellenden Künstlern teilen, wird neues und auch „Kunst-gelangweiltes“ Publikum angezogen.
Kurz: Kunst darf auch Spaß machen.
The EAGL gallery presents a new course to the international art-scene with its advertising-based concept. Sustainable advertising for the artist at different levels is the device. And it definitively works: by exhibitions, events and aimed promotion, at which master students and autodidacts meet musicians and other performing artists planned or spontaneous, a quite new and also “art-bored” audience is attracted. In short: Art also can make fun.


EAGL gallery- Kantstr. 87 a
10627 Berlin

Contactable Mo - Fri. 2pm - 6pm

+49(0)30 - 5448 7117

PresseKontakt / Agentur:

Thomas Hegemann (PR/Marketing)

drucken  als PDF  an Freund senden  Kunstmesse B.AGL afFAIRs 2013 „Faîtes votre jeu!“ -  Call for Artists and Galleries neues deutschland: Kulturpolitikerin Jochimsen: Nicht fördern,
Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: BAGL
Datum: 07.02.2013 - 16:58 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 811421
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: EAGL - gallery


Telefon: +49(0)30 - 5448 7117


Kunst & Kultur

Meldungsart: PresseMitteilung
Versandart: Veröffentlichung
Freigabedatum: 07.02.2013

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