InternetIntelligenz 2.0 - nominated for German Design Award 2011

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Pressemitteilungen nominated for German Design Award 2011

ID: 241080 nominated for German Design Award 2011

(pressrelations) -
Press Release
Munich. MINI has been active in the field of community marketing and social media marketing since 2007. Its brand community website,, has already won several awards and is now nominated for the German Design Award.
The community?s 80,000-plus members come from more than 200 countries. The website provides them with regular updates on the latest trends in art, culture, fashion and design.

Innovative communications tools such as, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are part of the everyday life of MINI?s target group.

MINI drivers are creative and like to share their ideas. So the interactive website,, invites them to take part in regular competitions in various categories. For example, last year?s annual MINI wall calendar was designed entirely by the community. Now, the community will be involved in the product design process for the first time. The best entries in the "MINI Countryman Centre Rail? competition have just been selected. Design ideas for the centre rail for the new MINI Countryman were evaluated and selected by the MINI design team and the top three ideas implemented. The prototypes will be on display at the Paris Motor Show in October 2010. All past competitions and registration for the "MINI Space Visualize Sound Competition? can be found at .

There is also something new from MINI on Facebook. Fans of the brand can win the first MINI Countryman worldwide. The competition got underway on MINI?s Facebook page 2 August, 2010.

MINI is also getting ready for the iPad. The new MINI TV App, which users have been able to download for free from the iTunes App Store since 3 August, 2010, allows all MINI videos to be optimised for the iPad screen at .

The creative agency for MINI?s social media and community marketing activities is KKLD of Berlin.

If you have any questions regarding this press release, please contact:
BMW Group
Martina Daschinger
Tel.: +49-89-382-14908
Fax: +49-89-382-44142
E-mail: martina.daschinger(at)

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Datum: 11.08.2010 - 12:47 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 241080
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