InternetIntelligenz 2.0 - ABC Banking Corporation Mauritius Selects Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking to Extend Bank Operation

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ABC Banking Corporation Mauritius Selects Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking to Extend Bank Operation

ID: 230347

ABC Banking Corporation Mauritius Selects Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking to Extend Bank Operations and Consolidate Finance and Leasing Operations

(pressrelations) -
News Facts

  • Oracle today announced that ABC Banking Corporation Mauritius, formerly known as ABC Finance Leasing Ltd (ABCFL), has selected Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking and the Oracle FLEXCUBE Direct Banking to consolidate its leasing business and establish a full service bank.
  • Once implemented, the Oracle software will enable the bank to provide excellent service to its existing portfolio of customers, with term deposits and leasing accounts using the Oracle FLEXCUBE.
  • ABC Banking Corporation required a robust and scalable solution to support competitive growth and all basic banking.
  • Using Oracle FLEXCUBE will allow ABC Banking Corporation to run leasing and core banking operations from a single platform, providing integrated channels to its customers, including internet banking.
  • ABC Banking Corporation also wanted technology that had a proven track-record in the Mauritian market, to help ensure the solutions could effectively support its aggressive growth and expansion plans.
  • ABC Banking Corporation also plans to invest in the Oracle Database 11g, Oracle WebLogic Application Server Enterprise Edition 11g and Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher, which are expected to be purchased and deployed separately as part of a wider infrastructure procurement process.
Supporting Quotes ·
  • Mohd Khalil Alkhushairi, CEO, ABC Banking Corporation said: "We know that implementing the right application infrastructure and solutions is key to the growth of our business. We needed a robust solution that would support the existing leasing business and also offer the depth to support our banking requirements. We chose Oracle?s FLEXCUBE solution, not only because of positive endorsements from other Oracle partners in the Mauritian market, but also because of the broad functionality the technology offered - particularly the consumer leasing aspect of the solution.?
  • Suryanarayan Kasichainula, Vice President ? Africa Region for Oracle Financial Services said: "ABC Banking Corporation is a well respected company with exciting growth plans for the banking business. Oracle FLEXCUBE will provide ABC Banking Corporation the necessary operating platform to migrate its current consumer finance operations and future banking products. We look forward to working with our local partners to assist and accelerate the implementation to make it a success.
Supporting Resources

  • Transform Your Banking Business with Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking
  • Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Data Sheet
  • Follow Oracle Financial Services on Twitter
  • Join the Oracle Financial Services Community on Facebook
  • Oracle in Financial Services

For more information contact:
Samuel Hall
EMEA Corporate Communications
t:+44 118 924 6332
m:+44 (7748) 18193
f:+44 118 924 3855
e: samuel.hall(at)

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Datum: 19.07.2010 - 18:05 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 230347
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