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Sabine Nitzsche appointed as new CFO of TÜV SÜD AG

ID: 2132991

Personnel changes

(LifePR) - Sabine Nitzsche has been appointed by the Supervisory Board of TÜV SÜD AG as the new Chief Financial Officer and Member of the Board of Management with effect from 1 March 2025. She succeeds Prof. Matthias J. Rapp, who left the company on 30 September 2024.TÜV SÜD is one of the leading international providers of testing, inspection and certification (TIC) services. More than 28,000 employees in about 50 countries work to optimize technology, systems and expertise.“I am very pleased that Sabine Nitzsche, a proven financial expert, will join TÜV SÜD. She brings with her a wealth of experience in finance, the semiconductor and automotive industries as well as management and international experience to successfully shape the future development of TÜV SÜD on the Board of Management. I look forward to working with her in a spirit of trust,” says Wolfgang Dehen, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of TÜV SÜD AG.Before joining TÜV SÜD, Sabine Nitzsche was CFO and member of the Executive Board at Vitesco Technologies. Between 2021 and 2023, she was CFO and Executive Vice President of the automotive business segment for Infineon. Sabine Nitzsche also began her professional career at Infineon in 1994, where she held variouspositions in purchasing and project management before taking on commercial and strategic management positions at the Advanced Mask Technology Center between 2003 and 2011. From 2011 to 2021, she worked at the US semiconductor company GlobalFoundries, most recently as CFO for the EMEA region.Sabine Nitzsche studied business administration at the Dresden University of Applied Sciences.Founded in 1866 as a steam boiler inspection association, the TÜV SÜD Group has evolved into a global enterprise. More than 28,000 employees work at over 1,000 locations in about 50 countries to continually improve technology, systems and expertise. They contribute significantly to making technical innovations such as Industry 4.0, autonomous driving and renewable energy safe and reliable.

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Founded in 1866 as a steam boiler inspection association, the TÜV SÜD Group has evolved into a global enterprise. More than 28,000 employees work at over 1,000 locations in about 50 countries to continually improve technology, systems and expertise. They contribute significantly to making technical innovations such as Industry 4.0, autonomous driving and renewable energy safe and reliable.

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: LifePR
Datum: 24.10.2024 - 09:35 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 2132991
Anzahl Zeichen: 2055




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