InternetIntelligenz 2.0 - Oracle Extends Its Unified Suite of Financial Services Analytical Applications for Enterprise Perfor

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Oracle Extends Its Unified Suite of Financial Services Analytical Applications for Enterprise Perfor

ID: 163052

Oracle Extends Its Unified Suite of Financial Services Analytical Applications for Enterprise Performance Management

(pressrelations) -
New and Upgraded Applications Focus on Planning Future Performance and Managing Interest Rate and Liquidity Risk Redwood Shores

News Facts

  • Continuing its commitment to help financial services institutions manage unprecedented and growing risk levels, Oracle today announced new and upgraded applications for its unified suite of financial services analytical applications for enterprise performance management (EPM).
The new solutions, based on the merged capabilities of Oracle Financial Services Applications (OFSA), Oracle?s Hyperion, Oracle?s Reveleus and PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management, are designed to help institutions:
  • Focus on planning future performance and lowering anticipated risk;
  • Plan net interest margin, anticipate liquidity contingencies and reconcile asset/liability management forecasts with annual budgets and rolling forecasts; and
  • Provide the capability to go beyond measuring bottoms up historical performance to actively managing future risks and results.
Today more than ever, financial institutions and regulators are focused on the need to measure and meet performance objectives adjusted for risk, plan for unforeseen exposures, and better understand how performance is impacted by threats to liquidity and capital adequacy.

New Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications for EPM
  • Oracle Financial Services Balance Sheet Planning ?The only budgeting solution made specifically for bank planning, budgeting and forecasting, this application leverages Oracle?s Hyperion Planning as a foundation to allow banks to plan future profitability and risk adjusted returns. The solution captures instrument characteristics and the nuances of each customer relationship to accurately model balance sheet behavior and provide the most accurate net interest margin and earnings forecasts possible.
  • Oracle Financial Services Asset Liability Management Analytics ? An updated version of the Oracle Asset Liability Management business intelligence application emphasizes the critical need to measure and manage interest rate and liquidity risk. Building on the existing functionally rich Interest Rate Risk content, new metrics, reports and dashboards provide additional management insight into "stressed? results including Liquidity Gaps, Funding Concentrations, Deposit Distribution Profiles, Marketable Assets and Liquidity Ratios.
Supporting Quotes
  • "With the release of Oracle Financial Services Balance Sheet Planning and Oracle Financial Services Asset Liability Management Analytics, banks are able to obtain greater insight into an integrated view of balance sheet risks and returns that represents a key strategic differentiator for financial services institutions as they implement strategies to manage risk while maximizing shareholder value,? said S Ramakrishnan, Oracle Group Vice President and General Manager, Financial Services Analytical Applications.
  • "We have used Oracle for many years to support our business segment profitability reporting processes. We are excited about the new Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications release and being one of the first customers to implement the new Profitability Management and Funds Transfer Pricing applications. We believe the release helps bring together the industry best practices embodied across Oracle?s various product lines,? said Kathy A. Rogers, executive vice president of business line reporting and planning for U.S. Bancorp.
Supporting Resources
  • Oracle in Financial Services
  • Follow Oracle Financial Services on Twitter
  • Join the Oracle Financial Services Community on Facebook
About Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications

Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications are a complete and fully integrated portfolio of analytical solutions covering enterprise risk, performance management, regulatory compliance and customer insight. They are built upon a shared analytical infrastructure consisting of a unified financial services data model, shared analytical computations and the industry-leading Oracle Business Intelligence platform. For more information visit Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications.

For more information contact:

Samuel Hall
EMEA Corporate Communications
t:+44 118 924 6332
m:+44 (7748) 18193
f:+44 118 924 3855
e: samuel.hall(at)

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Datum: 16.02.2010 - 19:17 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 163052
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