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The First Skiing Marathon European Championships

ID: 158906

The First Skiing Marathon European Championships

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In winter 2010 for the first time in the history of cross-country skiing the European Championship title is awarded. As an opening the new European Championship valuation consists of two races with a long tradition, the Koasalauf in St. Johann in Austria (50 km free technique) and the Skadi Loppet (Bodenmais, Germany) with 42 km in classic technique. The European Union of Cross-country Skiing Marathons, holding organization of the Euroloppet series, in which the greatest skiing marathon races from all over Central Europe are united, is going to organize annual European Championships whereas each time two different marathon races are valued for the European Championships.
This year the Koasalauf takes place on 14 February 2010. The European Championship finale will be at the Skadi Loppet on 21 March 2010. From both valued races a female and a male champion is appointed. Also the European Championship titles are awarded in each age group (gradation every 5 years). Additionally there is the possibility to nominate a team as European Champions. Four participants can build a team whereas the three best times are added from the two valued races. The team championships are especially interesting and unusual because four participants without national binding can form a team and start as a company, club or friendship team.
Several company teams are already registered. All in all about 300 participants from 20 nations, who have been specializing in skiing marathons, will start at the European Championships.
In winter 2011 Biela Stopa in Slovakia and Transjurassienne over 50 km free technique are going to offer the two valued races of the European Championship Skiing Marathons.

More information on

European Union of Cross-country Skiing Marathons (EUC)
Europäischer Skimarathon Verband

Postfach 1112
D-94249 Bodenmais

Phone: +49 (0) 9924 90 22 70

Andreas Adam
Mobil: +49 (0)175 445 445 8

Kontakt OK-Koasalauf
OK-Chef Erich Rettenmoser
Poststraße 2
A-6380 St.Johann in Tirol
Tel.: +43 5352 63335-14
Email: info(at)

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: pressrelations
Datum: 03.02.2010 - 14:49 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 158906
Anzahl Zeichen: 0 – ihr Partner für die Veröffentlichung von Pressemitteilungen und Presseterminen, Medienbeobachtung und Medienresonanzanalysen

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"The First Skiing Marathon European Championships"
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