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Fujifilm expands support for XMF with new European centre

ID: 149376

Fujifilm expands support for XMF with new European centre

(pressrelations) - >
FUJIFILM Europe GmbH today announces a new European support centre for its XMF cross-media workflow. The centre will be based at Fujifilm´s UK headquarters in Bedford and is part of a global initiative to expand support for Fujifilm workflow solutions.

Despite the downturn in economic conditions over the last 6-12 months, the growing success of XMF has resulted in Fujifilm deciding to expand its support infrastructure. The new European centre will provide guidance on workflow issues and technical support for the XMF cross media workflow portfolio, and is just one of several such centres that have been established worldwide. Similar facilities have also been set up in North America and Asia, with all regional teams working closely with a newly formed Fujifilm support centre in Tokyo created as an extension to the R D software development division.

The new European centre already has six new employees recruited in the last 12 months from the fields of prepress, print production, print IT services and print quality assurance to provide expertise on all aspects of print production, with a comprehensive internal training programme now complete.

John Davies business strategy manager, workflow solutions, FUJIFILM Europe GmbH says: ``As the XMF user base expands and the features available in the XMF product range extend, we recognise that we need a dedicated software support team that can provide technical expertise across the whole XMF workflow spectrum. This expertise ranges from all aspects of print production workflow such as guidance on pre-flight, imposition and colour management, to the more complex areas of JDF and MIS connectivity, web-to-print, and the integration of offset and digital printing solutions.

In addition to providing immediate access to product and application experts who can help solve workflow issues, by using services such as WebEx, we?ll also be able to provide remote diagnostics to further improve our customer service and response times.´´

Fujifilm continues to invest heavily in its workflow solutions and this newly expanded global support infrastructure is also able to monitor customer demands, feeding back new requirements to the R D software development teams based in Japan. ``The combination of a European support infrastructure and dedicated software development teams in Tokyo means we are able to react to changing customer requirements in the most effective way´´ concludes Davies.

Bei Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Petra C. Fujiwara
Corporate Communications

Heesenstr. 31
40549 Duesseldorf - Germany

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: pressrelations
Datum: 04.01.2010 - 15:06 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 149376
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