InternetIntelligenz 2.0 - Oracle Makes Commitments to Customers, Developers and Users of MySQL

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Oracle Makes Commitments to Customers, Developers and Users of MySQL

ID: 145580

Oracle Makes Commitments to Customers, Developers and Users of MySQL

(pressrelations) - >
REDWOOD SHORES, CA- - Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) has engaged in constructive discussions with the European Commission regarding the concerns expressed by the Commission about the Oracle/Sun Microsystems transaction, and in particular the maintenance of MySQL as a competitive force in the database market.
In order further to reassure the Commission, Oracle hereby publicly commits to the following:
1. Continued Availability of Storage Engine APIs. Oracle shall maintain and periodically enhance MySQL's Pluggable Storage Engine Architecture to allow users the flexibility to choose from a portfolio of native and third party supplied storage engines.
MySQL's Pluggable Storage Engine Architecture shall mean MySQL's current practice of using, publicly-available, documented application programming interfaces to allow storage engine vendors to "plug" into the MySQL database server. Documentation shall be consistent with the documentation currently provided by Sun.
2. Non-assertion. As copyright holder, Oracle will change Sun's current policy and shall not assert or threaten to assert against anyone that a third party vendor's implementations of storage engines must be released under the GPL because they have implemented the application programming interfaces available as part of MySQL's Pluggable Storage Engine Architecture.
A commercial license will not be required by Oracle from third party storage engine vendors in order to implement the application programming interfaces available as part of MySQL's Pluggable Storage Engine Architecture.
Oracle shall reproduce this commitment in contractual commitments to storage vendors who at present have a commercial license with Sun.
3. License commitment. Upon termination of their current MySQL OEM Agreement, Oracle shall offer storage vendors who at present have a commercial license with Sun an extension of their Agreement on the same terms and conditions for a term not exceeding December 10, 2014.

Oracle shall reproduce this commitment in contractual commitments to storage vendors who at present have a commercial license with Sun.
4. Commitment to enhance MySQL in the future under the GPL. Oracle shall continue to enhance MySQL and make subsequent versions of MySQL, including Version 6, available under the GPL. Oracle will not release any new, enhanced version of MySQL Enterprise Edition without contemporaneously releasing a new, also enhanced version of MySQL Community Edition licensed under the GPL. Oracle shall continue to make the source code of all versions of MySQL Community Edition publicly available at no charge.
5. Support not mandatory. Customers will not be required to purchase support services from Oracle as a condition to obtaining a commercial license to MySQL.
6. Increase spending on MySQL research and development. Oracle commits to make available appropriate funding for the MySQL continued development (GPL version and commercial version). During each of the next three years, Oracle will spend more on research and development (R D) for the MySQL Global Business Unit than Sun spent in its most recent fiscal year (USD 24 million) preceding the closing of the transaction.
7. MySQL Customer Advisory Board. No later than six months after the anniversary of the closing, Oracle will create and fund a customer advisory board, including in particular end users and embedded customers, to provide guidance and feedback on MySQL development priorities and other issues of importance to MySQL customers.
8. MySQL Storage Engine Vendor Advisory Board. No later than six months after the anniversary of the closing, Oracle will create and fund a storage engine vendor advisory board, to provide guidance and feedback on MySQL development priorities and other issues of importance to MySQL storage engine vendors.
9. MySQL Reference Manual. Oracle will continue to maintain, update and make available for download at no charge a MySQL Reference Manual similar in quality to that currently made available by Sun.
10. Preserve Customer Choice for Support. Oracle will ensure that end-user and embedded customers paying for MySQL support subscriptions will be able to renew their subscriptions on an annual or multi-year basis, according to the customer's preference.
The geographic scope of these commitments shall be worldwide and these commitments shall continue until the fifth anniversary of the closing of the transaction.

Notes to Editors:

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements about Oracle, Sun and MySQL, including statements that involve risks and uncertainties such as the satisfaction of conditions to closing the transaction, including clearance of the transaction by the European Commission. When used in this press release, the words "shall," "plans," "commits" and "will" and other similar expressions and any other statements that are not historical facts are intended to identify those assertions as forward-looking statements. Any such statement is subject to a number of potential risks and uncertainties, which may include, among others, the possibility that the transaction will not be cleared by relevant regulatory authorities, the transaction may not otherwise close or that the closing of the proposed transaction may be further delayed and the possibility that Oracle or Sun may be adversely affected by other economic, business, and/or competitive factors. Accordingly, no assurances can be given that the European Commission will clear the transaction, that the closing will transpire or occur, or if these events occur, what impact they will have on the results of operations or financial condition of Oracle or Sun.
In addition, please refer to the documents that Oracle and Sun, respectively, file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on Forms 10-K, 10-Q and 8-K for additional risks. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. Neither Oracle nor Sun is under any duty to update any of the information in this press release.

Deborah Hellinger
Oracle Corporate Communications

For more information contact:

Gaye Hudson
Vice President, EMEA Corporate Communications
t:+44 118 924 5289
m:+44 7768 792 031
e: gaye.hudson(at)

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News-ID 145580
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