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UWT is awarded first place "Best Employer in the Allgäu 2013?

ID: 971852

In the category?company with 50-249 employees?

(PresseBox) - UWT is awarded first place in the regional Great Place to Work ® competition "Best Employer in the Allgäu region 2013? in the category "companies with 50-249 employees" and positioned themselves as one of the winners of the regional and regional-cross-industry Great Place to Work® competition.
This was announced on August the 12th by the Great Place to Work® Institute Germany.
Awarded were companies from of all industry sectors and size categories, who represent - from the employees? point of view - a trustworthy, respectful and attractive workplace culture.
As valuation basis an anonymous survey was carried out where employees were asked to answer question on topics such as trust, identification, team spirit, career development, pay, promotion of health and work-life balance. Furthermore the quality of the personnel management and leadership methods of the company were assessed.
Top ratings from the employee survey
91% of employees state: "The business practices of managers are honest and ethical.?
100% of employees state: ?Special events are celebrated.?
98% of employees state: ?Employees receive useful ways and means to promote their health."
Staff Comments:
"The familiar and friendly way we interact with one another makes it very easy for us to identify ourselves with the company and enjoy our workplace. We feel a connection to our company ? it is not a job without a personal connection which may be found in some other companies?
"Modern, great working environment in a beautiful region. Very nice team. Strong focus on employee health with the UWT vital program".
"The company aims to ensure that the employee feels good - UWT Vital program. The offices are designed to appeal to the employees so that they enjoy working there. There are free apples, water, eggs ...."
"The management is reliable and trustworthy. Objectives are pursued without being reckless. The regional and international measures are perfectly combined."

"The award represents a workplace culture that is specially shaped of trust, pride and team spirit," says Frank Hauser, head of the Great Place to Work® Institute Germany. Honest relationships and attractive working conditions are the central key to the motivation and preservation of qualified employees as well as for the business success and the sustainability of the company."

UWT is the expert for "Ingeniously simple level measurement in bulk solids". We develop and produce instruments for level measurement in bulk solids. Since 35 years, we have been successful with reliable and high quality level measurement systems in all kind of industries e.g. building, animal feeds, food, chemical, plastics etc.

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

UWT is the expert for "Ingeniously simple level measurement in bulk solids". We develop and produce instruments for level measurement in bulk solids. Since 35 years, we have been successful with reliable and high quality level measurement systems in all kind of industries e.g. building, animal feeds, food, chemical, plastics etc.


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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: PresseBox
Datum: 30.10.2013 - 14:47 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 971852
Anzahl Zeichen: 0





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