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Lonely at the top - just a cliché?

ID: 963723

Executive Sparring with Thomas Gelmi

(IINews) - The announcement of Swisscom CEO Carsten Schloter"s suicide shook the media earlier this summer, followed by the suicide of Pierre Wauthier, CFO of the Zurich Insurance Group, only a few weeks later. These two cases are just the tip of the iceberg and show us a sad reality that was confirmed by a study about executive coaching which was published by the Stanford Graduate School of Business the very same month: the pressure and thus the need for personal support on higher management levels are massive - and the consequences of neglecting these facts can be fatal.

"For many people in leading positions, "lonely at the top" is not just a simple cliché, but rather a sad reality" says executive coach Thomas Gelmi who knows the challenges and fears of executives very well through his work. "In the age of technology with its increasing possibilities of digital communication, genuine dialogue has fallen by the wayside and social isolation has massively increased" says Gelmi who offers executives the opportunity to talk about their issues and topics.

A personal sparring partner can make a crucial difference and while in the U. S. various forms of personal coaching and consulting have steadily become a usual and legitimate way of support for executives, Europe is still falling behind in a habitual way. This being said, Executive Sparring goes far beyond classic consulting or coaching.

"Most clients" situations are complex and require a dynamic mix of roles from the conversation partner" says Gelmi. According to him, a professional sparring partner must not only possess broad methodological competence, but most of all particularly human qualities. "Only on this basis, co-creation can happen - a close collaboration on even par that is fertile ground for amazing insight and solutions, given that both parties are open and get involved in the process."

Finally, even in Europe the stigma of the manager that doesn"t seem to make it on his own is giving way to an image that resembles one of a top athlete. Of someone who can not only afford having a personal sparring partner but also confidently shows this as a privilege and sign of authenticity and the ability for self-reflection.

More information about Sparring with Thomas Gelmi can be found at

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Based in Switzerland, Thomas Gelmi provides executive consulting, coaching and training for SME's as well as for large corporations on an international level. Range of expertise covers personal, interpersonal and leadership mastery, achieving excellence for individuals and teams through more humanity in business.


PresseKontakt / Agentur:

Movadis GmbH
Thomas Gelmi
Brühlstrasse 33
5313 Klingnau
+41 56 535 7996

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: Adenion
Datum: 17.10.2013 - 08:32 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 963723
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Thomas Gelmi


Telefon: +41 56 535 7996


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