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Weltneuheit: 70?-Cube mit WQXGA-Auflösung

ID: 933279

eyevis präsentiert neue EC-70-LWQX-1000-Cube erstmals auf der IBC

(PresseBox) - Steglose Videowände mit höchster Auflösung können mit der Weltneuheit 70?-WQXGA-Cube realisiert werden. Mit der neuen EC-70-LWQX-1000-Cube mit WQXGA-Auflösung (2560x1600 Pixel) präsentiert eyevis eine High-End-Cube für anspruchsvolle Anwendungen und Display-Systeme mit höchster Auflösung in Kontrollräumen und Leitwarten, TV-Studios oder Regie und Postproduktion. eyevis präsentiert den Cube erstmals auf der IBC vom 13. Bis 17. September 2013 in Amsterdam, auf Stand 9B24.
Dank innovativer Cluster-LEDs ist die 1000er-Serie um bis zu 30 % heller als Cubes mit Standard-LEDs. Mit den speziellen Rückprojektionsscheiben verfügen die Cubes zudem über einen extrem hohen Einblickwinkel ohne gravierenden Farb- oder Helligkeitsverlust. Dies ermöglicht im Fernsehstudio auch die Installation von konkav gekrümmten Videowänden und Kameraaufnahmen aus verschiedenen Winkeln. In Kontrollräumen und Leitwarten ermöglichen die Cubes so eine gleichmäßig optimale Betrachtung der Inhalte von allen Arbeitsplätzen aus.
Durch die Langlebigkeit der LEDs mit mehr als 60.000 Betriebsstunden und dem wartungsfreien Heatpipe-Kühlsystem garantiert der EC-70-LWQX-1000-Cube auch lange Wartungsintervalle sowie eine stabile Funktion. Mit ihrer ultra hohen Auflösung ist die EC-70-LWQX-1000-Cube in der Regie eine hervorragende Lösung, um über die Ausgabe von Multiviewern mehrere Signale in höchster Auflösung auf einem Schirm darstellen zu können. Gleiches gilt auch für Kontrollräume und Leitwarten, in denen mehrere Videosignale oder komplexe Anlagenschaltbilder auf einem Cube visualisiert werden sollen.

eyevis from Reutlingen in Germany is specialized in the development and production of high-quality large screen systems and guarantees a continuous further development in high-tech, quality and complete specific customer display solutions. Besides the rear projection units, based on the DLP(TM) Technology from Texas Instruments and controllers to manage multi-projection walls, eyevis is also developing intelligent software solutions to achieve a complete, unique and perfect large screen system. The name eyevis stands for quality, innovation, flexible and redundant systems and solutions in the field of large screen visualisation. For every application, whether control room or communications, conference or congress area, foyer, show room, information system, exhibition, convention, event or training centre, eyevis offers a solution tailored to your individual requirements with the best image quality. The product range also includes high-resolution TFT LCD monitors and special solutions for simulation and virtual reality applications.

eyevis' ambitious principle has always been the permanent further development of its product range which aspires to include the most modern technologies in perfect quality. The result of this "state-of-the-art" philosophy is the permanent development of products which constitute cutting-edge technology in their field of application. This makes eyevis one of very few manufacturers who are able to provide complete systems - high-end quality "Made in Germany ".
Thanks to its many years of experience and technological advantage eyevis is the ideal partner for the realisation of complete and customised solutions. Continuous investments in research and development guarantee a head start in the field of large screen technology.
eyevis has a worldwide network of offices, subsidiaries and Service & Sales partners that have trained engineers for consultancy, installation and service for eyevis systems in their country or region. Today, after 15 years of experience and presence in the fields of large screen visualisation eyevis has become one of the leading producers of large screen technology. eyevis systems can be found in numerous control rooms and other applications all over the world.

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eyevis from Reutlingen in Germany is specialized in the development and production of high-quality large screen systems and guarantees a continuous further development in high-tech, quality and complete specific customer display solutions. Besides the rear projection units, based on the DLP(TM) Technology from Texas Instruments and controllers to manage multi-projection walls, eyevis is also developing intelligent software solutions to achieve a complete, unique and perfect large screen system. The name eyevis stands for quality, innovation, flexible and redundant systems and solutions in the field of large screen visualisation. For every application, whether control room or communications, conference or congress area, foyer, show room, information system, exhibition, convention, event or training centre, eyevis offers a solution tailored to your individual requirements with the best image quality. The product range also includes high-resolution TFT LCD monitors and special solutions for simulation and virtual reality applications.
eyevis' ambitious principle has always been the permanent further development of its product range which aspires to include the most modern technologies in perfect quality. The result of this "state-of-the-art" philosophy is the permanent development of products which constitute cutting-edge technology in their field of application. This makes eyevis one of very few manufacturers who are able to provide complete systems - high-end quality "Made in Germany ".
Thanks to its many years of experience and technological advantage eyevis is the ideal partner for the realisation of complete and customised solutions. Continuous investments in research and development guarantee a head start in the field of large screen technology.
eyevis has a worldwide network of offices, subsidiaries and Service & Sales partners that have trained engineers for consultancy, installation and service for eyevis systems in their country or region. Today, after 15 years of experience and presence in the fields of large screen visualisation eyevis has become one of the leading producers of large screen technology. eyevis systems can be found in numerous control rooms and other applications all over the world.


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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: PresseBox
Datum: 27.08.2013 - 11:08 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 933279
Anzahl Zeichen: 0





Elektro- & Elektronik


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