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Antioxidant Vitamin Supplements Fight Cancer

ID: 874401

Latest researches are now showing that Antioxidant vitamins and supplements help fight cancer and other diseases.

(IINews) - Food has a very powerful effect in your body. Diet and Nutrition alter your internal terrain and influences genes. The nutrition in foods effects cancer both directly and indirectly. Some food kills cancer cells. Others promote cancer cell growth. Eating cancer fighting foods can strongly influence your health and healing. Many foods are burdened with pesticides and other chemicals that have been associated with cancer. Eat organic as much as possible. Raw vegetables are loaded with cancer fighting antioxidants. Juicing raw vegetables is greatly beneficial to your health. Vegetables juiced such as spinach, carrots, beets, green cabbage, collard greens, dandelion greens, kale, and many others are cancer fighters. They are all very healthy for you. They cleanse your intestinal tract, detox your liver, nourish you, boost your immune system, energize you, and are good for your heart. Drink a lot of purified water. Purified water supports all of your inner workings. Choose mostly plant foods, limit red meat and avoid processed meat. Strong evidence shows that a diet filled with a variety of plant foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans help lower risk for many cancers. In laboratory studies, many minerals and vitamins and phytochemicals demonstrate anti-cancer effects.

On page eleven of my fifteen page report on the topic of good vitamin supplements, there are a list of vitamins. This list was given to me by Dr. Getlen who was an MD for thirty years and a biochemist nutritionist for thirty more years. In my personal life, I have visited numerous nutritional doctors and they all agreed that these vitamins were good for me. I take them all twice a week. All of the nutritionist I visited including the director of the Clymer Health Clinic all told me that Dr. Getlen was a genius before his time. BE ADVISED TO CONSULT WITH A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL DOCTOR about the use of vitamins. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, carrying excess body fat increases the risk of seven cancers. Whole grains and beans are rich in fiber and moderate in calories which also help weight management. According to the American Center for Cancer Research here is a list of foods that may provide a potential role in cancer protection:

Blueberries, broccoli and cruciferous vegetables, cranberries, all berries, acai berries, black ‘berries, raspberries, cherries, strawberries, flax seed, squash, beans, dark green leafy vegetables, garlic, grapes, grape juice, green tea, soy, tomatoes, apples, carrots, chili peppers, citrus fruits, coffee, grapefruits, legumes, dried beans, peas, lentils, mushrooms, nuts, onions, papayas, pomegranates, sweet potatoes, walnuts, watermelon and other melons. Log on to Universal Medical Studies, view our market place as we provide all the right information and supplements needed to help fight cancer!

For more information, kindly visit

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: Michael saddam
Datum: 18.05.2013 - 16:24 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 874401
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Angela Zhang

San Francisco, CA

Telefon: 9252151019


Gesundheit & Medizin


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