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Best Property Management & Property Administration Company in Switzerland

ID: 868936

“DR MEYER verwaltung bern company assisted me with my property purchase in Zug and I got the best deal for the property” says a happy client. For more info visit

(IINews) - DR MEYER AG administrations help buyers and sellers of property in Switzerland get the best value

Bern, Switzerland – April 28, 2013 - All across the globe buying property in Switzerland is very popular because Switzerland is often considered Earth’s paradise and thus people and numerous multinational companies are fascinated at the very thought of owning a property in Switzerland. But what is the picture of real estate market in Switzerland? Is it very easy for foreigners to buy property in Switzerland? The real estate market in Switzerland can prove quite profitable for investors and though apparently buying property in Switzerland may seem a bit cumbersome, once the Swiss residence permit is obtained buying property in Switzerland automatically becomes quite easy and foreigners do not have to encounter much legal complications. But buying property is not just enough. Property management is crucial to keep property in good shape for years and that can best be done by DR MEYER AG administrations.

This company, a verwaltung bern specializes in handling any affairs related to Swiss properties. When this company was first founded several years back in 1942, it was in the form of a small firm and just consisted of the notary’s office and the founder was Dr Louis Meyer.

“Our company administrates all property related affairs most reliably offering customers with optimum satisfaction. Our staffs exhibit great professional competence and we try our best to enhance that competence through periodical training sessions” says a team member.

The Key services offered by this company include:

Offering Estimate for property-The company team professionally evaluates or analyzes the real estate client portfolios to offer them clear-cut estimates or assessments as to where they should investment immediately to derive optimum profit and so on
Offering tips on buying as well selling of property-The company experts are well aware of the rise and fall of prices in the Swiss real estate market. They’ll help clients adopt the latest methodology in the property buying and selling process in accordance to the rules specified in Swiss Appraiser Association. Their advices help clients get the optimal investment costs from the real estate market and also fair real estate market value.

Renovation of property-The company team while renovating property adds value to the property, keeps in mind the client’s budget and implements the energy efficient and environment friendly features in to the newly upgraded & remodeled property.
Property management-The Company’s property management functions encompasses a broad range of multiple functions like property accounting, rent optimization, floor care, utility cost management, claims handling, technical maintenance etc.

“DR MEYER verwaltung bern company assisted me with my property purchase in Zug and I got the best deal for the property” says a happy client. For more info visit

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Datum: 10.05.2013 - 03:12 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 868936
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: DR MEYER

Bern, Switzerland

Telefon: 031 996 42 52




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