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Ingeniously simple for ambitious applications Stroboscope HELIO-STROB compact 125 – simply ingenious

ID: 840219

By launching the new HELIO-STROB compact 125, ELMED expands their successful HELIO-STROB series by another industrial stroboscope. The latest product innovation will be available from April 2013 on.

(IINews) - By means of extremely short flash impulses the HELIO-STROB compact 125 allows the observation of very rapid processes with the naked eye It provides pin sharp images of the apparently motionless object: the “stroboscopic effect”. Via the touch panel and the “intelligent” one-button operation all functional adjustments can comfortably be set. Not only the quality control but also in the vibration analysis, the speed measurement or when setting up machines the HELIO-STROB compact 125 is an effective instrument. Thanks to the standard functions “Slow-Motion” and “Position” (phase shifting) the user disposes of useful tools, that put every detail into perspective. External impulses are processed up to a frequency of 8000 Hz - thanks to the integrated prescaler. Proximity switches and optical sensors can directly be connected to the stroboscope. Via the TTL output the user has the option to synchronise several devices Other promising new features allow the adaptation to individual gear ratios – even those of variable divider ratios. The serial interface allows a direct communication to the PC – thus all parameters can be remotely controlled and exported. Using the “hotkey” function the new software “SpeedDoC” transmits the current value to the corresponding cursor position in your test report.

For further information on ELMED’s industrial stroboscopes please visit or write an e-mail to strobo(at)

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

ELMED Dr. Ing. Mense GmbH
ELMED specialises in the design and manufacture of measuring and testing equipment. For over 60 years customers in many technical fields have been relying on this middle-sized company.
Over the years ELMED has contributed to progress made in many technical branches. Our contributions are based on product innovation and product quality. ELMED provides decades of experience in manufacturing equipment for measuring and testing, technically refined, customised solutions and innovation based on strong research and development.
The qualified and experienced technical experts deliver products and services of the highest standard. Yet we are close to you wherever you are, thanks to our European network of representatives and OEMs.
ELMED has the right solution for you. Our range covers well-proven standard units, integrated equipment arrays, and complete systems – all with advanced ELMED technology. In the fields of stroboscopy, holiday detection or metal detection we can tailor the best solution to meet your specific requirements.
We handle our own research, design, and production. Our integrated approach guarantees you optimum product performance, on-time delivery, and fair prices.


Ralf Probst
Elmed Dr. Ing. Mense GmbH
Weilenburgstr. 39
42579 Heiligenhaus
Phone: +49 2056 9329-0
Fax: +49 2056 9329-33

PresseKontakt / Agentur:

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: ELMED
Datum: 22.03.2013 - 12:23 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 840219
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Kristin Cordes


Telefon: 02056 93 29 0




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