Small Business Opportunities in 2013: Choose to Make a Difference
This may be the year that the field of education has a couple of profitable home based business opportunities that you might want to consider.
(IINews) - How odd for it to happen but there are times that we choose to make a difference and it turns out to be a business opportunity that can be a very profitable one at that. These are those small business opportunities in 2013 that not only help our school children but create a full time profession in a field many of us hold dear to our hearts.
In a recent study on charter schools, the Washington Post found some rather unsettling information concerning charter schools. Many students who are disciplinary problems find themselves shown the door more frequently than in their traditional public school counterparts.
“For many parents, this is an unsettling trend. Parents choose charters because they hope their child will get a better education than at a traditional public school. If this information is true, some parents may be re-thinking their choices,” said Sandy McQueen of
Those parents who choose a charter school do not want to be associated with traditional public schools, but if the charter is not an option, then what?
“My business has perfect opportunities for parents who want the best possible education for their children, but also do not want to pay the expense of a private education,” McQueen continued. has two excellent job prospect opportunities to share with families. The first is a home tutoring service and the second is a college planner.
“Getting into a top university is getting more and more difficult. In fact, some states are pushing students into college classes while still in high school to give them a competitive edge over someone else. It is staggering the sheer number of students who do not make the cut for first-choice colleges,” McQueen continued.
Inexpensive, easy to start and easy to market, these home-based business opportunities are sure to be a huge hit in 2013, but the key is to be the person who starts the business.
“Doctors, attorneys and any white-collar family is willing to pay someone to help their children get into the best possible schools. It is important that people visit my site to learn the details of starting these home businesses. After all, if you won’t; someone else will,” McQueen continued.
Anyone interested in learning more about these two home-based business opportunities should visit to learn more about the possibilities.
For More Information
Sandy McQueen, site owner
Avon, IN 46123
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Datum: 18.01.2013 - 14:29 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 798819
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"Small Business Opportunities in 2013: Choose to Make a Difference"
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