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LCG Markets Australia Voted Number 1 in Client Satisfaction for Value for Money

ID: 794217

Forex & CFD traders in Australia cast their vote in the May 2012 Investment Trends CFD Report, shooting LCG Markets to the top of the tables when it came to Value for Money, as traders seek the best value among leading CFD & Forex Brokers.

(IINews) - LCG Markets , one of the world’s leading brands among Forex traders with over 70,000 clients worldwide, recently topped the tables in client satisfaction among those looking for Value for Money.

Value for Money is one of the most sort after criteria for traders who are looking for the best CFD or Forex broker and when you combine that with the fact they are backed by a publicly listed company in London (London Capital Group), you can see why they have grown at such a rapid pace, servicing over 70,000 clients worldwide.

Ashley Jessen, LCG Markets Australia Director said: “We are very proud of achieving this recognition and even more so in the fact that the ratings came from the trading community at large, so it is our traders who are voting and pushing LCG Markets to the top in the Value for Money stakes.”

Notably, LCG Markets won another 5 first places in the client satisfaction survey in areas such as Spreads, Commissions, Customer Service, Ease of transferring funds and Smartphone/tablet platform app.

Ashley Jessen added: “Globally we have always strived to provide better value than our competition and we pride ourselves on having some of the lowest commissions and tightest dealing spreads on offer. When you combine that with the release of our new proprietary ClearTrader platform and our MetaTrader 4 offering, you can see why we have been a popular choice among active Forex & CFD traders.”

With its choice of different platforms, LCG Markets caters for all types of trader from the experienced professional to the less experienced beginner. With the demands of traders ever increasing, LCG Markets provides the tools to trade FX, indices, stocks, commodities and metals via the widely used MetaTrader 4 platform (MT4) and its proprietary, browser based ClearTrader platform.

You can learn more about LCG Markets range of platforms and razor tight spreads and low commissions by grabbing a free demonstrations account available at the following link:

About LCG Markets (footer)

LCG Markets is the trading name of London Capital Group Pty Limited which is regulated by ASIC and is fully owned by London Capital Group Holdings Plc which is listed on the London Stock Exchange. London Capital Group transacts over 30,000 trades each day and has over 70,000 clients globally. LCG Markets is regulated by ASIC under AFSL 364264.

While LCG Markets attempts to ensure that the information herein is accurate at the date the information was produced, however, LCG Markets does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, performance or fitness for a particular purpose of any of the information provided herein and under no circumstances are they to be considered an offer, solicitation to invest or be construed as giving investment advice.

Source: LCG Markets Austraila
Phone: 1800 259 678
Address: Level 14, Macquarie House, 167 Macquarie Street
City: Sydney
Zip: 2000
Country: Australia
Email: a.jessen(at)

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Datum: 10.01.2013 - 17:50 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 794217
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