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R&B/Pop group Synphony releasing first major single “Sex Addiction”

ID: 791919

Up and coming R&B group Synphony is proud to announce the release of their first major single “Sex Addiciton”, which will be available in over 400 online retail outlets.

(IINews) - Up and coming R&B group Synphony is proud to announce the release of their first major single “Sex Addiciton”, which will be available in over 400 online retail outlets. The single will be released in January, 15 2013, and will be available at iTunes, Emusic, Spotify,, and more.

About “Sex Addiction”

Releasing their first major single "Sex Addiction", Synphony is looking to make its mark in the music industry. The R&B song is a quality piece of music, and is sure to attract those who like the sounds of Chris Brown or NeYo.

With over 400 online retail outlets hooking up with the single this Christmas, the song “Sex Addiction” is bound to get some notice. If you want to get your hands on a copy of their new single, Synphony's music will be available at iTunes, Emusic, Spotify,, and others.

About Synphony

Hailing from Youngstown, OH, Synphony is what happens when five young men forge together accapella, R&B, and impeccable talent and rhythm. The five members includes Frankie Betacourt(a.k.a) Frankie, David Nealy (a.k.a. Z), Phil Robbins (a.k.a. PhilGood), Ron Williams (a.k.a. Ronigh), and Patrick Howard (a.k.a. P.T.). The five twenty-something's each bring unique vocal quality and talent, and what results is the pure sound of harmony – when put together, they resemble a symphony.

The group has been singing together for almost 6 years, and has been a professional R&B singing group for nearly 4. Synphony sings accapella, old school R&B, new school R&B, hip hop, soul, gospel, not to mention originals and cover material.

In Youngstown, OH, Synphony went above and beyond to support their community: for years they helped by participating in community events, fund raisers, unity parades, and more.

They didn't stop there – the group has been all across the country, from Chicago to participate in America's Got Talent, to Providence, RI, to go on the X Factor. Synphony has Performed and opened up for national artist such as; Trey Songz, Wiz Khalifa, Young Dro, Pleasure P, Silk, Michelle’, Sammie, Trina, Dorrough, The Rude Boys, Next, Ray Cash, Dj Unk, Public Announcement, Dougie Fresh, K’Michelle, Slick Rick, Whodini, Supa Blanco, Lil Will, and more. They have also had performances at colleges, live events, block parties, nursing homes, wedding receptions, church celebrations, funerals, high school dances/homecomings/graduations, open mic nights to benefit the homeless, talent shows, fashion shows, hair shows, and much more!

To learn more about Synphony and their album Sex Addiction, please contact!

New Star Entertainment
Essonya Myers
(330)953-8126/ (614)607-1416

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: alishahgillani
Datum: 07.01.2013 - 16:46 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 791919
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Essonya Myers

Brooklyn, NY, USA

Telefon: (614)607-1416


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