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US Made Pig Roaster Company Offers 12% Discount on All Their Products

ID: 785640

US Made Pig Roaster Company Offers 12% Discount on All Their Products

(IINews) - December 2012, Medley, FL - While the pig roast is a century-old tradition in places like Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Hawaii, it is a fairly new tradition for many Americans.

A pig roast is more than a dish; it’s an event. Family and friends are usually invited to spend an entire afternoon an evening together as an 80-120 pound pig is roasted over hot coals for several hours. Guests are asked to help with the preparation of pig, and with placing it over the coals. Seeing the spitted pig being placed on top of hot coals can be quite a conversation-starter, and guests often hold their breath with anticipation as the pig roast is flipped partway through roasting. The entire event is a spectacle that brings good family, friends, and food together in a combination that most people can’t help but to enjoy.

There are various styles of pig roasting. While the Polynesians of the Hawaiian Islands bury their pig in a ground oven, and others use an open fire rotisserie, it is the Cuban method of box grilling that has begun to gain popularity across the United States.

The La Caja China roasting box is created for this type of cooking. La Caja China is one of the country’s oldest manufacturers of Cuban-style pig roasting boxes. Thanks more than 25 years of experience, they have become the roasting box of choice across America. Recently, celebrities such as Bobby Flay, Andrew Zimmern, Martha Stewart, and Mo Rocca have featured them on their various television shows. The Food & Wine Magazine attested to the quality of their products also by featuring them at the South Beach Food & Wine Festival.

La Caja China offers several models and sizes of US made roasters in aluminum and galvanized steel, from $259.99 and up. While designed specifically for pig roasting, these boxes can also be used for other types of meat such as chicken, ribs, and steak. For families who own their pig roasters, they have created a step-by-step instruction eBook, which can be downloaded for free.

As a way of saying thank you, La Caja China would like to celebrate the pig roast tradition by offering a 12% discount on their products throughout the month of December. Buyers must “Like” their Facebook fan page first to get the coupon code ( which is valid only for purchases made on their website(

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La Caja China


PresseKontakt / Agentur:

Contact person: Avian Guerra
Email: avian(at)
7875 NW 77th Avenue
Medley, FL 33166
Phone number: (305) 888-1323

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: liveprnews
Datum: 18.12.2012 - 14:13 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 785640
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Ansprechpartner: Angela PR Zhang

San Francisco, CA

Telefon: 9252151019


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