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Museum der Kulturen Basel: Expeditions. The World in a Suitcase, as from 29 June 2012 (BILD)

ID: 668227

(ots) -
The era from the end of the nineteenth to the mid-twentieth
century was the heyday of anthropological expeditions. Scholars from
Basel too set out to study foreign cultures, bringing home with them
rich collections of artefacts. The exhibition Expeditions. The World
in a Suitcase follows on the trail of four of these journeys.

The exhibition Expeditions. The World in a Suitcase takes the
visitors on four of journeys: with Paul and Fritz Sarasin to Sri
Lanka (Ceylon 1883-86; 1890; 1902; 1907; 1925); with Felix Speiser to
Vanuatu (New Hebrides, 1910-12); with Alfred Bühler to Indonesia and
East Timor (1935); and with Paul Hinderling and René Gardi to
Cameroon (1953).

Measuring, salvaging, comparing, and taking pictures

The explorers were driven by different motives. The Sarasins were
originally natural scientists, their interest in anthropology came
later. Nevertheless they returned from their five expeditions to
Ceylon with 441 objects and 542 photographs in their luggage, not to
speak of Basel zoo's first elephant. For Felix Speiser-Merian
salvaging an ancient culture on the verge of extinction was of
primary concern. Alfred Bühler set out to study pre-industrial
technologies in diverse fields of craft. His expedition marked the
beginning of Basel's famous textile collection and research
tradition. The aim of the Cameroon expedition was to document the
material culture of the Mafa people - their primary interest lay in
iron smelting and iron working - by assembling a collection, taking
photographs, and filming.

Building the foundation of a world-famous collection

The exhibition featuring 540 artefacts, photographs, film
sequences, and sound recordings gives a superb overview of the famous
Basel collections. It is complemented by a rich supporting programme

relating to issues of anthropology, both past and current.

Museum der Kulturen Basel
Pierre-Alain Jeker, Public relations
Phone: +41/79/621'11'48
E-Mail: pierre-alain.jeker(at)

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Datum: 27.06.2012 - 11:00 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 668227
Anzahl Zeichen: 0


Basel, Switzerland



Kunst & Kultur


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