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The EAGL gallery year 2012 begins quadratically

ID: 549864

Germany, France, Italy, Spain, USA, El Salvador, UK, Russia,.........artist from different countries will display their square sized artworks at the EAGL gallery.

(IINews) - From 4. Febuary til 31. March 2012 the EAGL quadriART takes place at Kantstraße 87a, 10627 Berlin. From many smaller square sized works made by different artists a large square artwork will be made. Not only the nationalities could be more different, but also the artistic styles, materials and colours.
„The most exciting thing about the quadriART are the different moods, themes, styles and materials. To combine all this, making one work out of it and giving the exhibition one whole concept, that´s like making a separate artwork again!”, so the organizers Jennifer Spruß and Anja Schneider, artists and gallery owners of the EAGL gallery. 100 works of 60 artists find so together in the EAGL gallery.

At the Vernissage on Saturday, 4. February 2012 the in Berlin and New York living, soprano Wiltrud Weber sings from 7 p.m. songs from her new CD “Blue and Deep” and combines Klassic and Jazz with her vibrant voice.

The wonderful Trio consisting of Julia Fiebelkorn, Susanne Duchstein and Yvonne Panten with a saxophone and bass combined with the great jazz-singer Gabriele Raik. This configuration creates minimal music and sounds structures at the Midissage on Friday, 02. March 2012 from 8 p.m., which leads the listener from dreamy moods through sound stories of distant lands.

The ending of the quadriART is crowned with an auction. Seleced artworks will be autioned to reasonable prices. At the EAGL gallery each artists is responsible for the pricing. The auction is musically supported by “one man with his guitar”, rock the Finissage with Dominik Damke on Saturday, 31. March from 8 p.m.

Who would like to visit the EAGL quadriART out of the events is cordially invited for visit at the opening times (exept on Wednesday/Sunday/german public holidays) from 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.. You can find the EAGL gallery at Kantstraße 87a, 10627 Berlin (near the District Court / S-Station Charlottenburg / Bus M49 or X34 Amtsgerichtsplatz)

The EAGL gallery in berlin charlottenburg as a part project of the Gemeinnützigen European Artists Going Live (EAGL) UG (haftungsbeschränkt) opened just in September 2011 it´s doors. All the more the gallery owners are happy that the gallery is such well received by international artists ans art-lovers with it´s classic but nevertheless innovative concepts.
Organizers of the EAGL quadriART 2012 as well as the coming BAGL SPRINGtime 2012 is the Gemeinnützige EAGL UG (haftungsbeschränkt).

Artistline EAGL quadriART – Berlin 2012

Vadim von Aladov (Germany) - Alo (Germany) - Veneta Androva (Germany) - AO (Russia)
Chris Billington (UK) - Claudia Bläsi (Germany) - Manfred Böhm (Germany)
Thomas Bröse (Germany) - Jutta Büttner (Germany) - Correvon (Switzerland)
Marta Djourina (Germany) - Sarah Doerfel (UK) - Jasmin Edelstein (Germany)
Jennifer El-Bira (Germany) - Jose Evangelista (Dominican Republic)
Heike Fellmuth-Montigny (Germany) - Ulli Gabsch (Germany) - Sandra Carmen Gardlo (Germany)
Katina Georgoulas (Germany) - Marana Grit Glowacki (Germany) - GrundschacksArt (Germany)
Motron A. Havelka (Germany) - Frank Gerald Hegewald (Germany) - Iatrou M. (Austria)
Pere Ibañez (Spain) - Heike Jakobi (Germany) - Christine Jaksch (Germany)
Detlef Kappis (Germany) - Maren Kattwinkel (Germany) - Carola Kirsch (Germany)
Maria Koroleva (Russia) - Valérie Leclerc (France) - Willi Lempke (Germany) - Lutée (Germany) - Wladimir May (Germany) - David Normal (USA) - O.Werner (Germany) - William O´Donnell (UK)
René Ocón (El Salvador C.A.) - Katerina Omelschuk (Germany) - Pawlix (Austria)
Andrea Plank (Germany) - Goda Plaum (Germany) - René Norbert Reiger (Germany)
Wolfgang Riedemann (Germany) - Elzbieta della Rovere (Germany) - Klaus Rudolf (Germany)
Brigitte Saugstad (Austria) - Elke Schmölzer (Austria) - Anja Schneider (Germany)
Ralf H.G. Schumacher (Germany) - Bernadette Schweihoff (Germany) - Shibìria (Germany)
Sommerwind (Germany) - Gabriele Springer (Germany) - Jennifer Spruß (Germany)
Stefano Tonelli (Italy) - Sylvie Vaché-Guy (France) - Violeta Vollmer (Germany)

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: BAGL
Datum: 07.01.2012 - 11:34 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 549864
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Jennifer Spruß


Telefon: 0163 7374229


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Meldungsart: bitte
Versandart: Veröffentlichung
Freigabedatum: 07.01.2012

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"The EAGL gallery year 2012 begins quadratically "
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Das EAGL gallery Jahr 2012 beginnt quadratisch ...

Vom 4. Februar bis zum 31. März 2012 findet die EAGL quadriART in der Kantstr. 87a 10627 Berlin statt. Aus vielen kleinen quadratischen Werken von Einzelkünstlern entsteht ein großes quadratisches Gesamtkunstwerk. Nicht nur die Nationalitäten kö ...

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