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METTLER TOLEDO IND780batch Adds Control, Flexibility to the Mix

ID: 539811

METTLER TOLEDO is pleased to introduce the new IND780batch stand-alone batch controller for advanced recipe control. By providing consistent, accurate materials transfers, IND780batch minimizes waste, improves batch quality and increases yield for significant profit enhancement.

(IINews) - The IND780batch also adheres to the ISA SP-88 Batch Standard. This standard, also adopted as IEC 61512-1, describes design philosophies for batch control equipment and procedures to help ensure industry consistency among processors for improved consumer safety.

IND780batch can be used for single or multi-scale batching appli¬cations whether materials are added by hand or the process if fully automated. Automatic multi-material batch control handles up to 28 materi¬als using conditional tasks, go-to commands, recipe re-scal¬ing, timing functions, and control of discrete input/output which allow the controller to interact with other process equipment.

For manual formulation, IND780batch leads operators through set recipes. Users control manual processes under dependable recipe management guidance. Tolerance checking, material bar-code identification, and visual prompting all help ensure batch-to-batch consistency. These features also allow the IND780batch to handle 999 materials, whether food, chemical or packaged goods while eliminating variables that cost com-panies money in rework and loss of reputation.

IND780batch’s PC-based configuration tool simplifies master recipe creation. After creation, recipes can be downloaded to the IND780batch terminal. Addition of the Q.iMPACT® material transfer control feature offers predictive adaptive control algorithms and eliminates the need for multi-speed feed accuracy, further enhancing recipe accuracy and reducing material feed time. A large, easy-to-read color graphics HMI display is standard—no PLC or DCS system required. The IND780batch operator interface further enhances usability with multiple language capabilities and robust graphic batch status visualization for enhanced recipe monitoring.

Because tracking and tracing is critical to safe food manufacturing operations, all IND780batch track-and-trace functionalities, including order management and historical reporting, have been added with ISA SP 88 Batch Standard compliance in mind. The controller and its track-and-trace capabilities support both single-scale and multi-scale operations for maximum process flexibility. Terminal construction also meets most global legal metrology standards, offers IP69k environment protection and is Zone 2/22 Class 1 Division 2 Hazardous Area-approved.

For more on how the METTLER TOLEDO IND780batch stand-alone batch terminal controller can help improve both manual and automatic batching operations for better materials management and reduced overall processing costs, visit

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METTLER TOLEDO specializes in the area of precision instruments for professional use. METTLER TOLEDO laboratory instruments are used in research, scientific, drug discovery, and quality control labs, amongst many others in the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and cosmetics industries.


PresseKontakt / Agentur:

Mettler-Toledo International Inc.
Im Langacher, Zip Code 8606
Greifensee, Switzerland
E-Mail : ePublicRelations(at)
Phone : +41-44-944 33 85
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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: MettlerToledo
Datum: 14.12.2011 - 12:23 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 539811
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Marie-Louise Hupert


Telefon: 41449443385




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