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Höganäs AB, SwePart and Vicura - Succesful trio join up at CTI -Exhibition in Berlin

ID: 529812

(ots) - Partners in innovation present
pioneering transmission for electric vehicles offering low weight,
low noise and low cost.

Three innovative Swedish companies have brought together their
industry-leading know-how in transmission design, materials and
manufacturing to produce a groundbreaking transmission for electric

The transmission, which will be on display for the first time at
the International CTI Symposium and Exhibition "Innovative Automotive
Transmissions and Hybrid- & Electric Drives", held in Berlin from
December 5-8, features powder metallurgy (PM) gears. The result is a
transmission which offers lower manufacturing costs, lower weight and
less noise, which are all in demand by manufacturers of electric

For the project Vicura AB, one of the world's leading transmission
design houses, has teamed up with Höganäs, the leading manufacturer
of metal powders, and specialist manufacturer SwePart Transmission

"This transmission for electric vehicles is a big step forward,"
says Magnus Wall, Sales Director at Vicura. "The key criteria have
been lower noise levels - because you don't have masking noise from a
combustion engine - and low costs, because a low-volume product like
electric cars require cost-efficient solutions. This transmission
fulfils both criteria."

Anders Flodin, Manager Gear Technology at Höganäs, says: "We have
proved the PM gear concept on a more experimental scale and now we
have one of the world's top gear design experts at one of the top
design houses taking this forward to the market. Vicura and its
customers will reap the benefits in terms of lower costs, lighter
weight, less noise and improved fuel economy."

SwePart has contributed with its expertise of gear design and gear
making. Engineering Manager Hans Hansson says: "Our three companies

are the first to make PM gears for this application, and this will
enable us to build up unique knowledge and therefore put us in a
strong position for entering new markets."

Vicura, Höganäs and SwePart will showcase the new transmission on
a joint stand at International CTI Symposium and Exhibition
"Innovative Automotive Transmissions and Hybrid- & Electric Drives",
alongside a rally car featuring PM gears in its manual gearbox.

[factbox] Meet the partners, see the transmission Vicura, Höganäs
and SwePart's stand at the International CTI Symposium and Exhibition
will feature:
- Cutaway model of the pioneering EV transmission featuring
PM gears
- Driver Ramona Karlsson and her Mitsubishi rally car
- Representatives from Vicura, Höganäs and SwePart

For more information, please contact:


Eckart Schneider +46 42 33 80 00 eckart.schneider(at)
SwePart Transmission AB Olle Sand +46 476 209 00 info(at)
VICURA AB Magnus Wall +46 520 29 00 00 sales(at)

Dr Nadja Thomas
Senior Press officer
CTI Car Training Institute - a Business Division of EUROFORUM
Deutschland SE
Prinzenallee 3
40549 Düsseldorf, Germany
E-mail: nadja.thomas(at)
Internet: and

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Datum: 29.11.2011 - 14:51 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 529812
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