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Digitalization of the Medical Office: Modular Solutions are in Demand

ID: 308024

CompuGroup Medical sees positive results from the MEDICA 2010 Trade Show

(PresseBox) - A paperless medical office - that wish was mentioned by many physicians attending this year's MEDICA. If one looks back at the IT development that has taken place in medical offices in the past 5 years, the strong trend toward digital records becomes obvious. However, much remains to be done to increase the efficiency of medical offices. This was confirmed by the steady inquiries into modular solutions at the medical trade show in Düsseldorf: CompuGroup Medical received a surprisingly large number of new orders, providing the company with positive results from their presence.
Probably more than other business sectors, much remains to be done in healthcare with regard to digital records. More patients than ever expect their physicians to embrace innovative forms of communication. However, the transition is far from complete. CompuGroup Medical received in excess of 300 new orders at this year's MEDICA. The following products were in particular demand: PraxisArchiv, PraxisManager and QM-Assist. These modules can be integrated into every ambulatory information system (AIS) and ensure greater efficiency: support to the medical office staff and an increase in profitability.
The digitalization of medical offices is making great strides. High stacks of paperwork are increasingly disappearing and being replaced by neat and convenient IT solutions. PraxisArchiv is one of those solutions. This digital image and document archive takes on many routine tasks and facilitates daily routines. A recent study by the REFA Institute confirmed that financial and organizational efficiencies can be more than doubled with this system.
PraxisManager is another great support system - it replaces outdated appointment calendars and provides noticeable relief to the reception desk. With the use of intelligent staff and appointment scheduling, this program ensures the optimum utilization of staff and space without over or underutilization. It supports economical management of the medical office and lowers expenses. As of 2011, it will also enable on-line appointments.

Quality Management - a popular topic at the MEDICA
With the introduction of a quality management system, it becomes obvious to every medical office: a good quality management system provides operational structure to the medical office and is an important component for success. However, just having a QM system will not result in miracles; it has to continuously be utilized and maintained. In light of the time-consuming and labor-intensive operation, quality management often falls by the wayside during daily routines.
CompuGroup Medical's QM-Assist, which received a lot of attention at the MEDICA, is the perfect remedy: it helps the medical staff to quickly and simply complete quality management tasks. It handles all of the pesky routine tasks necessary to create QM documents. The process is guided by individual review mechanisms and the office staff will therefore spends less time on documentation. Everybody benefits: patients receive more targeted treatment, the staff has fewer routine tasks and the owner of the medical practice enjoys a higher income.

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Datum: 02.12.2010 - 12:48 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 308024
Anzahl Zeichen: 0





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