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Getronics UK enlists the help of Greenstone Carbon Management to provide accurate carbon reporting

ID: 188261

(IINews) - ... carbon reduction introduced ahead of CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme regulation ...

Monday 12th April 2010 - Greenstone Carbon Management, the global specialist carbon solutions company, has announced today that it is working with Getronics UK, to ICT services company specializing in workspace management and IT infrastructure services. Getronics UK will be using Greenstone's Acco2untenterprise carbon accounting software to establish an internal carbon management programs of its UK operation. Greenstone will therefore be supporting the development of 'green' client propositions that will allow Getronics to deliver a range of bespoke 'Green' ICT solutions to take to its clients.

Getronics manages the workspaces of some of the biggest organizations in the UK across the finance and commercial sectors. The company is increasing its efforts in corporate social responsibility (CSR) and helping clients to reduce their carbon footprint ICT.

The management of carbon to within organization is becoming more mainstream and this will only increase with new regulatory regimes like the UK's Energy Efficiency Scheme CRC. Companies without efficient carbon management systems could fall foul of new compliance regimes with fines being imposed for failure to meet guidelines.

Dave Baldwin, managing director for Getronics UK, said "Globally, the IT industry is responsible for around two percent of carbon emissions - on a par with the aviation industry. Every little helps, and we can reduce our client's CO2 emissions through Green ICT using Greenstone's solution. "Greenstone's Acco2untenterprise carbon measurement and reporting tool will enable Getronics to understand and communicate its internal carbon emissions and to add value to client contracts, by enabling reductions in their own carbon emissions.

Ram Ramachander, COO at Green Stone, explains, "Governments around the world are beginning to introduce measures to tackle climate change and the ICT industry is under particular focus. There is an opportunity for information and communications technologies as they can help abate far greater emissions in the general economy than their own production and use generates. Organisations therefore need to have the processes and tools to be able to measure and manage their carbon emissions in a robust and transparent way. "

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: RealWire
Datum: 12.04.2010 - 14:25 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 188261
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Lena Ahad

Telefon: +44 07908 725212




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