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automotive roadshow Takes off in 2010

ID: 187664

Vehicle Developers and Electronics Suppliers Will Again Enter into Dialogue During the Popular Mobile Exhibition

(IINews) - The automotive roadshow 2010 takes shape: In June 2010, qaqadu event gmbh, specialist in events and roadshows, will organize this popular mobile electronics fair. For the second year in a row, the roadshow will visit car manufacturers and suppliers in Central Europe. The large exhibition truck will stop directly at the premises of the development facilities and open its presentation area of more than 100 square meters. Up to twelve exhibitors will have the opportunity to demonstrate their innovative electronics solutions on-site to interested employees in development, purchasing, and management. "After the successful premiere in 2009, we will again offer to the developers of the car industry this unique opportunity to gather information on the newest developments and trends, ranging from semiconductors and software up to ready-to-use measuring and test systems – all without expenditure and travel activities," said Mandy Ahlendorf, General Manager of qaqadu event gmbh. "The idea of this moving exhibition always receives very positive feedback from exhibitors and professional visitors on-site. The first car manufacturers, as well as exhibitors, have signaled their interest in participating in 2010."

With this individual and selective presentation, the automotive roadshow is absolutely the trend – preferring thematically focused, efficient education for developers, buyers, and other interested employees on-site instead of major public events. The exhibitors will demonstrate their solutions directly to their target group, and without scattering loss the engineers can delve immediately into technical discussions. The meetings taking place on the truck range from initial contact with potential buyers to the adjustment of current projects up to starting new projects. Some suppliers show their presence and willingness to be available as a contact person for the manufacturers and OEMs by participating in the show. In addition, the customer meetings during the roadshow offer insight into the market to set up future product and marketing strategies.

The automotive roadshow 2010 is supported by the industry partner ZVEI (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association / Media partners are the leading magazines Elektronik automotive ( and Auto Electronics ( as well as the online platform "John Day's Automotive Electronics News" (

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The qaqadu event gmbh offers professional education with technical training, seminars, and trade shows. In addition to providing and hosting events such as technical courses, the MOST Forum, and the automotive roadshow, the Starnberg based specialists in event management also support companies in organizing their events. The offered services reach from conception and planning through organization and marketing up to the realization of the event.

qaqadu event gmbh
Maximilianstraße 8
82319 Starnberg, Germany
T +49 8151 555009 0


Media Contact:

Mandy Ahlendorf
ahlendorf hueggenberg gbr

PresseKontakt / Agentur:

Media Contact:

Mandy Ahlendorf
ahlendorf hueggenberg gbr

drucken  als PDF  an Freund senden  Bundesweiter Tag der Logistik am 15. April 2010: DB Schenker macht Logistik hautnah erlebbar Freitag 16. April: Mobilitätstag am Bahnhof Leer
Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: ahlendorf
Datum: 09.04.2010 - 12:53 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 187664
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Mandy Ahlendorf


Telefon: +49 8141 55 50 09 11




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