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China Matters Documents the Collective Nucleic Acid Testing in Beijing (VIDEO)

ID: 1855246

(ots) - Collective testing served as a critical approach in China for emergency response in face of the coronavirus outbreak.

In mid-October, a cluster of COVID-19 infections was found in Qingdao

The local government immediately organized a collective nucleic acid

testing for 10 million people within 5 days.

Back in June, as the cluster of COVID-19 infections linked to Beijing''s Xinfadi Agricultural Produce Wholesale Market emerged, Beijing municipal government started to call on citizens to receive nucleic acid testing.

Up to July 11, 11.88 million people have done the test, accounting for half of the permanent residents in Beijing. The number of testing institutions in Beijing rose to 194 by the end of June, with a daily testing volume of 458,000. It helped a lot to filtrate the infected cases.

Out of the required demand for a trip outside Beijing, British journalist and host Josh from China Matters received nucleic acid testing right as the cluster of new infections was found in Beijing and the whole process was filmed.

This video shows the process of making test appointment online, collecting throat swabs, and receiving report through phones. The first-hand observation and feelings by the host Josh on the spot make the video vivid and unique.


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Datum: 27.10.2020 - 15:00 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1855246
Anzahl Zeichen: 0


Beijing, China



Gesundheit & Medizin


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