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GBTEC and proALPHA Cooperate in the Fields of Process Mining and Process Intelligence

ID: 1853076

GBTEC, a leading European BPM Vendor, and a leading supplier of ERP solutions for SMEs, proALPHA, cooperate in the process mining and process intelligence. Customers receive a significant added value for their digital transformation initiatives

(PresseBox) - On October 13, Nicolás Steib, Chief Operating Officer at proALPHA, and Gregor Greinke, founder and CEO of GBTEC Software AG, announced the expansion of the entrepreneurial partnership to process mining and business intelligence. GBTEC wins the third largest ERP provider for medium-sized companies in manufacturing and trade in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as customer and sales partner of BIC Process Mining by Apromore.

Searching for a solution for process mining, proALPHA has initiated an extensive tendering procedure, led by the RWTH Aachen University. GBTEC, in cooperation with its process mining technology partner Apromore, prevailed against numerous well-known competitors to win the tender.

Nicolás Steib and Gregor Greinke see great potential in combining ERP and process mining

Steib names the main reasons for proALPHA''s decision: "As one of only a few providers, GBTEC covers the complete BPM life cycle of design, automation, and mining in one software suite. This enables us to jointly uncover all potentials of business process management for enterprise resource planning. GBTEC has also shown us the way to hyperautomation, which as a holistic automation strategy of companies goes far beyond the simple automation of tasks".

"We have already made excellent experiences with BIC Process Design in the context of process-oriented ERP implementation," adds Steib. "With BIC Process Mining, we now pursue this path even more consistently and start analyzing processes with mining algorithms already during the introduction of proALPHA. This means for our customers: the ERP implementation will be even more cost-saving, faster, and more efficient. With benchmarking and sector-specific reference comparisons, we offer further functions with great benefits for our customers".

Greinke says: "We have been working successfully with proALPHA for over a year now to connect ERP and BPM. We are proud that we have also convinced proALPHA of our new process mining solution and open the entire BPM lifecycle including hyperautomation for their ERP solution. With the interface, we simplify the process-oriented introduction of the ERP system and the long-term monitoring of ERP processes. BIC Process Mining makes visible what happens in these systems every day. In this way, we help companies to work efficiently and reduce their costs".

Process mining uncovers the savings potential of recurring processes

With the automatic discovery and analysis of processes, process mining offers great potential for savings, especially for regular tasks in companies. BIC Process Mining uses data from a wide variety of source systems, for example ERP software or Office 365 applications, and creates process models. In these models, the tool depicts possible weak points, error proneness and bottlenecks.

Many workflows in ERP systems are particularly suitable for process mining as constantly recurring tasks. The proALPHA software stores a large amount of data that is used as the basis for process improvement. BIC Process Mining, for example, uses the start and end dates of individual activities to map the chronological sequence of processes and make waiting and holding times visible. Further attributes of activities also make the ERP processes in BIC Process Mining comprehensively analyzable.

The proALPHA Group

For more than 25 years proALPHA has been making customers happy with software that really moves them forward. In addition to medium-sized companies in manufacturing and trade, the proALPHA Group today supports users from a wide range of industries. Every day, around 1,200 employees support more than 4,500 customers worldwide in their digitization efforts. The high-performance ERP complete solution forms the digital backbone that networks and controls systems and processes along the entire value chain. Other solutions, such as those for access control, production and machine data acquisition and data analysis, as well as those from certified partners, are directly connected to it.

GBTEC Software AG is the expert for business process management, digital transformation and business intelligence. Our company combines consulting and software development. With its BPM solution BIC GBTEC offers an innovative, full service and powerful BPM suite optimising your processes and IT systems. Amongst GBTEC''s more than 700 customers are several Fortune 500 groups, large middle-sized companies as well as public institutions. For further information please go to

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GBTEC Software AG is the expert for business process management, digital transformation and business intelligence. Our company combines consulting and software development. With its BPM solution BIC GBTEC offers an innovative, full service and powerful BPM suite optimising your processes and IT systems. Amongst GBTEC''s more than 700 customers are several Fortune 500 groups, large middle-sized companies as well as public institutions. For further information please go to


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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: PresseBox
Datum: 19.10.2020 - 10:54 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1853076
Anzahl Zeichen: 0







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