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Enjoy your vacation in the Winkler Luxury Hotels Dolomites

ID: 1840485

(IINews) -

The luxury chalet Italy with cosy rooms

South Tyrol is always worth a trip. The Winklerhotels are the best hotels in South Tyrol in the Pustertal Valley and offer you a first class holiday. Relax and let your soul dangle in our luxury hotels. Treat yourself to your well-earned time out in South Tyrol, in the Pustertal Valley, in the Dolomites or on the Kronplatz with an incomparable premium service in all areas. Our top team will respond to your individual needs and create a holiday world entirely to your taste.
The luxury hotels in the alps with many wellness offers
Enjoy the various wellness offers in the Winklerhotels. Our Premium Spa provides the necessary relaxation after your day outdoors. Our hotels offer the largest spa world in the whole Pustertal Valley. The wonderful spa landscapes, water worlds and relaxation areas with a view over 80 first-class applications offer you the perfect time-out from everyday
Many recreational opportunities in the luxury hotels dolomites

Our hotels in dolomites are centrally located. They offer a variety of outdoor activities in the Dolomites and on the main ridge of the Alps. South Tyrol''s mountain worlds are within your reach and you have the choice between remarkable activity and leisure programmes with new adventures every day. Our free shuttle service for hiking and biking tours and in winter to the Kronplatz ski mountain brings you safely back to your place of well-being.

We could arouse your interest in a wonderful holiday in one of our luxury hotels? You are welcome to visit us under:

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Datum: 31.08.2020 - 17:38 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1840485
Anzahl Zeichen: 0




Urlaub & Reisen


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