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Flattening the curve: KfW supports the construction of four hospitals in Iraq to care for corona patients

ID: 1833096

(ots) - - EUR 15 million for at least four auxiliary hospitals

- Treatment of over 7,000 corona sufferers possible

- Prepared for the peak of the pandemic

- Sustained relief for Iraqi hospitals

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), KfW Development Bank has signed in Iraq a financing agreement for a grant of EUR 15 million for the construction of at least four equipped auxiliary hospitals in Bagdad, Basra, Sulaymaniyah and Nineveh with 100 beds each. They will be able to treat over 7,000 CoViD-19 patients. In view of the anticipated surge of cases in Iraq and the peak of infections expected between November 2020 and February 2021, this will provide sufficient beds to enable patients to be isolated and thus contain the further spread of the disease. In addition, this will ease the burden on normal patient care in Iraq in the long term when the CoViD-19 pandemic is over.

"After years of military conflict and the displacement of the population, Iraq is in dire need of being rebuilt. Added to this are economic losses due to the plunging oil price. Due to the government''s currently very restricted ability to act both politically and financially, it is imperative that the population be protected from the effects of the SARS-CoViD-19 pandemic and to be prepared for its peak," says Prof. Joachim Nagel, Member of the Executive Board of KfW Group.

Through the isolated treatment and accommodation of CoViD-19 patients in special facilities, other non-corona patients in normal hospitals where sufficient isolation is not possible, can be protected from infection.

Information about KfW Development Bank can be found at: /


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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: ots
Datum: 27.07.2020 - 10:03 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1833096
Anzahl Zeichen: 0


Frankfurt am Main



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