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Redundant separating agent application system from Grafotec

ID: 182572

Diedorf, March 2010 – Grafotec Spray Systems GmbH, the leading manufacturer of separating agent application systems for protection of float glass and flat glass, is ensuring additional product safety. Hence, a production line stoppage is avoided by simultaneous use of two AP 550 systems.

(IINews) - The equipment of the AP 550 entry-level model from Grafotec Spray Systems GmbH is specifically tailored to the float and flat glass industry. Owing to its modular construction, it allows simple and economically priced extensions at any time. Grafotec has now provided proof of this major flexibility in Egypt.

The Bavarian manufacturer developed at the customer’s request a redundant unit that prevents overall failure of the production line. Two AP 550 systems are employed independently from one another in this case, which take over the duties of the other in case of malfunction or maintenance. “What is special about the entire unit is the completely uninterrupted switchover between the individual devices”, the managing director, Reinhold Senft, explains. A programmable logic controller (PLC) takes charge of this special task. It sends messages to the central control point and was specifically developed for this unit.

The redundant unit also offers further advantages. Whether 60/40 per cent or 50/50 per cent run duration is involved: the running times of both devices can also be controlled manually and their maintenance intervals can be adapted to process sequences within the company.

Proof of innovative thinking
“With the redundant system, we have once again been able to prove the flexibility of our systems”, according to Reinhold Senft, who emphasises: “our entire units are modularly constructed and can be assembled to form new units, like a construction kit”. It is precisely the individual adaptation to specific requirements on a production line that is of major importance for the Bavarian company. Consequently, Grafotec expanded the staff of its technical department in January 2010. “We wish to be able to react even more specifically and rapidly to such requests in the future”.

The innovative interaction between tried and trusted units and new configurations will also continue to be the main focus of Grafotec Spray Systems GmbH. This wealth of experience not only offers Grafotec’s customers maximum product safety, but also advantages in terms of finance and time.

Further information about the company and products can be obtained from

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Grafotec is one of the leading suppliers of units for applying separators and powders to flat and auto glass. Our systems are in use all round the globe and demonstrate their flexibility, reliability and process reliability day in, day out. In constant dialogue with our customers, we‘re continuously developing our products to make them even better.


Grafotec Spray Systems GmbH
Keimstrasse 7a
D- 86420 Diedorf

Reinhold Senft
+49 821 906990

PresseKontakt / Agentur:

Grafotec Spray Systems GmbH
Keimstrasse 7a
D- 86420 Diedorf

Reinhold Senft
+49 821 906990

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: H81RIXfh
Datum: 24.03.2010 - 10:24 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 182572
Anzahl Zeichen: 0






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