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Corrosion – a Problem which Begins Already in the Production Sequence

ID: 180200

Corrosion protection is an issue which concerns all industry sectors across the board – right from the beginning of the manufacturing process, as well as during parts storage and transport. After all, metallic surfaces start reacting with the environment while they’re being processed. Temporary corrosion protection and coordinated logistic concepts are thus an indispensable part of quality and cost-optimised manufacturing processes. The COROSAVE trade fair for corrosion protection, preservation and packaging will present solutions by means of which components and workpiece surfaces can be temporarily protected from corrosion and recontamination within the process sequence at the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre from the 12th through the 14th of October, 2010.

(IINews) - Today, delivering components and workpieces whose surfaces fulfil defined cleanliness specifications is taken for granted in many industry sectors. On the one hand, this results in higher costs and more personnel for component and surface cleaning in production. On the other hand, solutions are necessary which make it possible to maintain the achieved degree of cleanliness up through the next process step, right on through to assembly or final use of the parts. The COROSAVE trade fair for corrosion protection, preservation and packaging, which will be held concurrent to parts2clean from 12 through 14 October 2010, is entirely dedicated to this issue. In addition to media, processes and equipment for corrosion protection, COROSAVE’s exhibition portfolio also encompasses preservation and packaging solutions such as small load carriers, transport containers, foils, paper materials, drying agents, VCI materials and blister packs. Further exhibition topics include services for the protection of surfaces against corrosion, measuring, test and analysis systems, products and services from the fields of test technology such as salt spray and environmental tests, cleanroom technology, logistics, science and research, technical literature, training and vocational education, as well as associations.

Greater Efficiency with Process Orientation
“The process steps for machining, cleaning and temporary corrosion protection can no longer be seen as isolated factors within the industry production process, because interactions are involved which have a decisive effect on the surface finish and the manufacturing costs of the workpieces”, explains Hartmut Herdin, managing director of event promoters fairXperts GmbH. And this begins already with the selection of process media, for example cooling lubricants or drawing oils which contain corrosion inhibitors so that corrosion doesn’t set in during machining. The medium is more or less pressed into the surface as a result of mechanical stress. However, the surfaces have to be clean for subsequent machining, coating or electroplating. And thus it must be assured that the various active ingredients in the process medium can be easily and completely removed by means of cleaning. If this is not the case, more expensive cleaning or higher scrap rates result. At the same time, the cleaning agent must also provide temporary corrosion protection in order to safeguard the parts during and after cleaning. Depending upon ambient conditions, this protection is effective for up to several hours. If longer periods of time elapse between cleaning and the next process step, additional preservation is usually required. This can be applied in the form of an oily, aqueous or waxy medium in an adjoining immersion bath which is appropriately matched to the material, or by means of spraying, rolling, brushing or a similar procedure. Waxes are also available as so-called dewatering fluids. Which processes the parts will be subjected to after preservation is a critical factor in selecting the right medium. Being able to easily remove the corrosion protection medium prior to further process steps is an additional criterion.

Ideal Packaging for Optimum Protection
In order to prevent any recontamination from the environment during storage or transport, the preserved parts require packaging, for which the degree of cleanliness of the workpieces is decisive. If the surface finish plays only a subordinate role, a closed load carrier is usually sufficient, for example an SLC with lid. In order to create a corrosion inhibiting atmosphere inside this packaging, a drying agent or volatile corrosion inhibitors can be added. Alternatively, the parts can be packaged in suitable VCI bags. In the case of more exacting demands for component cleanliness, the workpieces have to be separated from each other by means of compartments during storage and transport. Packaging solutions such as blister trays, deep-drawn sheet materials, additional shrink wrapping of the individual components or part-specific special load carriers also contribute to maintaining the achieved levels of cleanliness.

Packaging and Unpacking Without Impairing Cleanliness
Where and how the parts are packaged and unpacked also influences the maintenance of specified cleanliness values. For example, a clean zone which is isolated from the manufacturing department or a cleanroom assures the avoidance of rework or scrap due to recontamination. A further important aspect is the clothing worn by employees in these zones, for example gloves, as well as hair and skin coverings which reduce the amount or particulate released into the environment, as well as work coats and overalls which give off only minimal amounts of fibres from their fabrics.

Concurrent Event: parts2clean
parts2clean, the Leading International Trade Fair for Cleaning in Production and Maintenance Processes, will take place concurrent to COROSAVE. This event presents the world’s most comprehensive offerings for systems, processes and process media for degreasing, cleaning, deburring and pre-treatment of parts, parts baskets and workpiece carriers, handling and process automation, cleanroom technology, quality assurance, test methods and analysis procedures, media treatment and disposal, job-shop cleaning, research and technical literature. Visitors will thus be provided with the opportunity of gathering information regarding solutions for two important tasks involving industrial cleaning of components, workpieces and surfaces in production and maintenance with a single trade fair visit.

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

fairXperts GmbH sees itself as a partner to exhibiting industrial sectors and their target groups. This is backed by more than 2 decades of experience in the creation and promotion of market oriented, specialised trade fairs. A committed, flexible team provides active support and advice during all phases of trade fair participation. We accompany exhibiting companies from initial decision making and the establishment of goals, right on up to implementation and effective post-event activities. A comprehensive network of innovative service providers for all aspects of trade fair organisation assure first class service.


Doris Schulz
Journalist (DJV)
Martin-Luther-Str. 39
D-70825 Korntal, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)711 854085
Fax: +49 (0)711 815895

fairXperts GmbH
Lena Aupperle
Hauptstr. 7
D-72639 Neuffen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)7025 8434-0
Fax: +49 (0)7025 8434-20

PresseKontakt / Agentur:

Doris Schulz
Journalist (DJV)
Martin-Luther-Str. 39
D-70825 Korntal, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)711 854085
Fax: +49 (0)711 815895

fairXperts GmbH
Lena Aupperle
Hauptstr. 7
D-72639 Neuffen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)7025 8434-0
Fax: +49 (0)7025 8434-20

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: fairxperts
Datum: 17.03.2010 - 15:37 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 180200
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Lena Maren Aupperle


Telefon: +49 (0) 70 25 / 84 34 - 0




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"Corrosion – a Problem which Begins Already in the Production Sequence"
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