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Type of shower curtain rod memory installation

ID: 1752587

Bathroom shower curtain rods are made of a variety of materials, including stainless steel, iron, aluminum, and plastic. It can be divided into tool-free and screw-on depending on the mounting method. The tool-free feature is that it does not require punching

(IINews) - 1. Types of shower curtain rods

Bathroom shower curtain rods are made of a variety of materials, including stainless steel, iron, aluminum, and plastic. It can be divided into tool-free and screw-on depending on the mounting method. The tool-free feature is that it does not require punching, does not damage the wall surface, and can be freely adjusted in length, which is very convenient. The tool-free type is generally a straight shower curtain rod, and the wall surfaces at both ends are used as support points. Screw-on shower curtain rods require drilling to break the wall, but this type of bathroom shower curtain rod is highly secure after installation, especially for bathrooms that require a curved shower curtain rod.

2, shower curtain rod installation precautions

No matter what material or type of bathroom shower curtain rod is selected, the correct installation can ensure safety and firmness. At present, the tool-type combination rod and the curved rod are fixed by screws, and although punching is relatively troublesome, it does not require much installation skill. The key to the installation of the tool-free bathroom shower curtain telescopic rod is the ferrules at both ends and the trimming buttons and other components, which require certain installation skills. Generally speaking, the ferrule is mostly made of ABS engineering rubber and plastic material, which is relatively strong. At the same time, in order to better increase the fit with the wall surface, the design of the elastic plastic plus the three-dimensional pattern will be used in the part where the ferrule is in contact with the wall surface. The basic principle of installation is to first rotate the shower curtain rod to a length longer than the actual installation width, generally 5 cm more. Then, the bathroom shower curtain rod is tightened in the place where it was originally designed to be installed. If the control is not good, you can use the fine adjustment button, but after installation, it is best not to adjust the tube, otherwise it will become loose.

The common types of shower curtain rods are tool-free telescopic rods and combination rods that require tools to be screwed. The appropriate bathroom shower curtain rod can be selected according to the space structure and actual needs of the bathroom. When the telescopic rod is installed, it requires certain skills, otherwise it will not be installed securely. If you have mastered the installation skills, you can ask the professional master to help install.

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we specialize in production and selling Shower Curtains, the most Beautiful Christmas Shower Curtain, you can choose the long and wide of the Shower Curtain size


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Datum: 12.09.2019 - 05:42 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1752587
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Ansprechpartner: Lucas Baum


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