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shower curtain cleaning and maintenance

ID: 1742767

The place where you take a bath in your home is where you gather the most steam. Without knowing it, the bacteria will take advantage of it

(IINews) - The place where you take a bath in your home is where you gather the most steam. Without knowing it, the bacteria will take advantage of it. The air above the tub is the most bacteriay place, and these bacteria are harmful to the body. Be sure to clean it up in time, open the windows after each shower, and it is necessary to clean the top of the tub every weekend. Especially in the shower room with the shower curtain, pay special attention to the maintenance and cleaning of the shower curtain. Let''s analyze the maintenance skills for you!

Shower curtain maintenance
After the shower, the shower curtain should be uncovered to allow air to circulate and prevent mold. It can be used to prevent mildew. Only a pack of silicone can absorb moisture. If the stain cannot be removed, you need to buy a new shower curtain. Scrub with a sponge dipped in slightly damp soapy water, and trace the water and dust on the shower room or the door rails. Use an old toothbrush or cotton swab to wash. The shower door should be cleaned regularly with detergent or cloth dipped in vinegar water to prevent scale.

Cleaning of shower curtains for shower curtains

1. Canvas or cotton curtains are washed like hot cotton soap with other cotton fabrics, washed and then flattened. Most shower curtains only need to be dried. It is difficult to remove the mildew, wash it with light bleach, and then dry it.
2. If you are too lazy to brush the shower curtain, you can add the shower curtain to the washing machine, add eight or four cups of vinegar, and then leave it to the washing machine for a night. This method not only can sterilize, but also neutralize all the dirt, and also saves the trouble of brushing the shower curtain. The cleaning of the plastic shower curtain with vinegar can wipe off the soap bubbles on the shower curtain. Mold and grease. Let the shower curtain look like new. The bottom of the shower curtain is the most difficult to scrub. You can use a brush to rub the salt water hard, because the fine particles of salt can produce a frost-like effect. Then wipe it with vinegar to remove the stubborn stains.

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

we specialize in production and selling Shower Curtains, the most Beautiful Country Bath Curtain, you can choose the long and wide of the Shower Curtain size.


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Beach Blue Sky Sea Waterproof Shower Curtain
Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: locas
Datum: 06.08.2019 - 08:21 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1742767
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Lucas Baum


Telefon: 3385687847


Haus & Garten


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