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Alexander Klump and Philip Trykacz awarded for best master thesis in mathematics

ID: 1737046

achelos is sponsor and promoter of new talents

(PresseBox) - The mathematics students Alexander Klump and Philip Trykacz received an award for the best master theses during a ceremonial closing event of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Paderborn. The IT security company achelos is again sponsor of the final event and has handed over a cheque for 500 Euro price money to Alexander Klump. Philip Trykacz received the same amount of price money directly from the faculty. Both completed their Master''s thesis within the standard period of study.

"We want to honour young students and the high-quality work of the University of Paderborn. For us, this is an important signal as an employer, and it creates a good connection between science and industry. We are particularly pleased that even one of these award winners works for us," says Kathrin Asmuth, managing partner at achelos.

Philip Trykacz has written his master thesis on "Conditioned Autoregressive Processes" at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics in Paderborn. Since October 2018 he has been working as a software developer at achelos. "During my studies I learned to deal with complex topics, this ability of abstraction helps me in my practical work at achelos. It''s fun to work on new software products," says price winner Trykacz about his day-to-day work at achelos.

caption | image: (c) Max Hoffmann

Best Master Theses in Mathematics: Happy Award Winners and Companions

f.l.t.r.: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard Keil (Dean), Alexander Klump (award winner), Heinfried Cznottka (achelos GmbH), Philip Trykacz (award winner), Prof. Dr. Martin Kolb (supervisor of the two theses)

achelos is a manufacturer-independent software development and consulting firm that is based in the German city of Paderborn. Founded in 2008, the technology expert offers cross-sector solutions for security-critical fields of application with core competencies in embedded development and subscription management. The company develops and operates highly specialised products, solutions and services for the international market. achelos offers comprehensive expertise in development, Testing as a Service (TaaS) and certification. |

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achelos is a manufacturer-independent software development and consulting firm that is based in the German city of Paderborn. Founded in 2008, the technology expert offers cross-sector solutions for security-critical fields of application with core competencies in embedded development and subscription management. The company develops and operates highly specialised products, solutions and services for the international market. achelos offers comprehensive expertise in development, Testing asa Service (TaaS) and |


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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: PresseBox
Datum: 12.07.2019 - 11:48 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1737046
Anzahl Zeichen: 0





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