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Virtual Reality Soft Skills Training in Use at Technical University Munich

ID: 1704825

Straightlabs' VR Speech Trainer

(PresseBox) - On the 18th March straightlabs? innovative Virtual Reality Speech Trainer was in use at the Technical University Munich (TUM) School of Management Executive Education. More than 40 Master of Business Administration (MBA) executive students participated in the virtual reality soft skills training practicing their own presentations about leadership philosophy. The training took place as an integral part of a teaching module before a final live speech session, that allowed the participants to apply their newly learnt soft skills to a real-life situation immediately.

?Great tool! I am sure it has a future for corporate trainings or incentive events.?(Quotation MBA student)

This training is a virtual reality (VR) application, by which the own presentation can be trained in a virtual environment. With a VR-headset and hand- and feet-trackers it is possible to measure and analyze important qualities of a presentation, such as voice, body language, audience engagement and many more. At the end of the straightlabs VR Speech training session each participant receives a detailed reporting. This gives the possibility to identify potential for improvement and specifically train it in the next step. The simulation?s is set in a realistic virtual environment with authentic auditors.

Embodiment and Presence

Embodiment and presence are two of the main factors when it comes to virtual reality. The complete embodiment is necessary for a precise reproduction of reality. Humans see their body-parts at all times. Therefore, it is very important for an accurate reality reproduction to take these creative aspects into account. This embodiment in combination with the ability to interact physically, the possibility to communicate and a stable three-dimensional space make us feel completely present in a virtual training. In doing so the user has six degrees of freedom (6 DoF) to interact in the space freely.

As a result, the application?s immersion and the learning success increase, as the user completely submerges into the application without the possibility to get distracted.

?Good, modern, interactive lesson! Thank you!? (Quotation MBA student)

The cooperation with the TUM School of Management was a great experience for everyone involved and showed the usefulness of the VR-Speech Trainer.

?Very useful! Thanks for this experience!? (Quotation MBA student)


Die straightlabs GmbH & Co. KG entwickelt interaktive, innovative und skalierbare Lösungen im Bereich Corporate Learning. Von der strategischen Beratung über gamifizierte Lernmethoden bis hin zum After Sales Support, bieten wir Ihnen ein innovatives Educational Technology Lab. Meistern Sie die digitale Transformation im Corporate Learning, vertrauen Sie auf den Benchmark, vertrauen Sie straightlabs.

© 2019 |

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Die straightlabs GmbH&Co. KG entwickelt interaktive, innovative und skalierbare Lösungen im Bereich Corporate Learning. Von der strategischen Beratung über gamifizierte Lernmethoden bis hin zum After Sales Support, bieten wir Ihnen ein innovatives Educational Technology Lab. Meistern Sie die digitale Transformation im Corporate Learning, vertrauen Sie auf den Benchmark, vertrauen Sie straightlabs.© 2019 |


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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: PresseBox
Datum: 14.03.2019 - 16:41 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1704825
Anzahl Zeichen: 0







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