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Smart Cards in Healthcare Market to Cross US$ 1 Bn by 2022

ID: 1691313

Smart Cards in Healthcare Market to Cross US$ 1 Bn by 2022

(IINews) - The value of the global smart card market for application for health information was $ 570.9 million in 2014 and is estimated to expand with 8.6% CAGR from 2015 to 2022.

Smart card integrated circuits (IC-based) devices that can be used for various electronic applications. These devices are used by the smart card reader to connect them with physical or contactless connections. Smart cards equipped with IC chips that can keep more information than traditional magnetic stripe and bar code cards. This enables better security features in cloning and another misuse of smart cards. Due to better security on traditional cards, smart card demand in the coming years is expected to continue. Smart cards are already being used in various applications including payment (credit/debit card), telecommunications, ID card and others.

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: satyamspot
Datum: 29.01.2019 - 09:20 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1691313
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Chakresh Thakur

San Jose

Telefon: 18003618290




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