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Telehealth Market to reach worth USD 10,467.0 million by 2022

ID: 1691312

Telehealth Market to reach worth USD 10,467.0 million by 2022

(IINews) - The Telehealth market was valued at USD 2,193.1 Mn in 2015 and is expected to reach USD 10,467.0 Mn by 2022, expanding on the CAGR of 24.7% from 2016 to 2022.

Market Insights

Increasing the number of aging and chronically ill people, increasing the need for rapid technological development in remote North America and some other parts of the world, lack of specialized medical practitioners, remote patient monitoring and telecommunications, are some of the factors due to which Grew up, Launch of Telehealth. Increasing health care costs, the rising trend of home and remote patient care, and increased awareness about technology have worked further on the benefits of reducing health care and welfare. On the contrary, arrest reimbursement, risk of patient dissolution, and cost constraints are some of the factors that inhibit growth in the market.

The increase in the number of virtual medical facilities, monitoring of remote patients, are some of the major trends of the advent of ad diagnostic enterprises that are being seen in the global telecommunications market. The lack of basic physicians in rural areas and skilled businessmen in some developed markets work as potential opportunities for players of the telehealth market.

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Datum: 29.01.2019 - 09:18 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1691312
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Chakresh Thakur

San Jose

Telefon: 18003618290




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