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Poultry Processing Equipment Market To Hit US$ 5,242.3 Mn By 2026

ID: 1690968

Poultry Processing Equipment Market To Hit US$ 5,242.3 Mn By 2026

(IINews) - By Credence Research

Poultry Processing Equipment Market (Process ­­— Live Bird Handling Equip., Killing and Defeathering Equip., Evisceration Equip., Chilling Equip., Cut-up Equip., Deboning, Skinning and Trimming Equip., Portion Cutting Equip., Vision Grading Equip., Transferring Equip., Weighing Equip., Feet Processing Equip., Packaging & Dispatch Equip.) Market – Growth, Future Prospects and Competitive Analysis, 2018—2026”, the global poultry processing equipment market is set to expand with a CAGR 5.2% throughout the forecast period from 2018 to 2026.

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Market Insights

Global poultry processing equipment market mainly driven by increasing demand for poultry products. Incessantly growing poultry processing industry has raised the demand for these equipment across different geographic region. In 2017, Germany poultry processing industry accounted for US$ 30,912 Mn in and expected to cross US$ 31,037 Mn by 2020. In past few decades, poultry processing industry has undergone major structural changes owing to introduction of modern intensive production methods, improved preventive disease control, genetic improvements and biosecurity measures along with the increasing disposable income and human population. These changes have offered tremendous growth opportunities for overall poultry processing equipment market.

Further, increasing count of poultry processing plants among different geographic regions pointed as one of the prime factors influencing global poultry processing equipment market. Poultry processing plants are ensuring safety and quality of meat and meat products, thus creating attraction among end-user. This pointed as one of the major factors supplementing the growth of overall poultry processing equipment market. In addition, increasing demand for high protein diet along with rising health concerns leading to high consumption of meat and meat products. This factor reported for generating strong demand for poultry processing equipment in the global market.

Leading manufactures in overall poultry processing equipment market are focusing more to increase their geographic reach by introducing new plants across different geographic regions. Key players are also introducing more advanced equipment to serve changing needs of developed countries. For instance, on 12 June 2018, Meyn Food Processing Technology B.V., one of the leading processing equipment specialist, introduced their all-new high-speed poultry processing equipment at VIV Europe, the international poultry trade show. The new Grande drawer system M1.0 offers the speed of 15,000 bph (birds per hour) to ensure full production line with highest poultry quality. Meyn also introduced the carousel rehanger M2.0, rehanging solution for smooth transfer along with high speed weighing which has increased the line speed from 12,500 to 14,000 bph. Global poultry processing equipment market experiencing consistent innovation, thus expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period from 2018 to 2026.

Leading players in the global poultry processing equipment market include GEA Food Solutions B.V., Waltons Co., Ltd., Marel HF, Key Technology, Inc., John Bean Technologies Corporation, CTB, Inc., Baader Food Processing Machinery, Inc., Bayle S.A., CG Manufacturing and Distribution Ltd., Prime Equipment Group, Inc., Brower Equipment Corporation, BFE Services Pty. Ltd., Cantrell Company LLC, Meyn Food Processing Technology B.V. and others.

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Datum: 28.01.2019 - 10:00 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1690968
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San Jose

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