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Egg Processing Equipment Market estimated to grow with a CAGR of 3.6% during the forecast period from 2018 to 2026

ID: 1690937

Egg Processing Equipment Market estimated to grow with a CAGR of 3.6% during the forecast period from 2018 to 2026

(IINews) - By Credence Research

Egg Processing Equipment Market (by Equipment Type: Standalone (Loader, Washer, Accumulator, Breaker, Pasteurizer, Spray Dryer, Boiler, and Others(Centrifuge, Filling & Packaging, Homogenizers, etc.)) and Assembly (Up to 70,000 Eggs/Hr, From 70,001 to 200,000 Eggs/Hr, and Above 200,000 Eggs/Hr); by End-user: Food Processing Industry, Baking & Confectionary Industry, Food Manufacturing & Service Industry, and Others (Government Cafeterias, Hostels & Dormitories, Universities, etc.)) - Growth, Future Prospects, and Competitive Landscape, 2018-2026”, the egg processing equipment market was valued US$ 507.0 Mn in 2017 and estimated to grow with a CAGR of 3.6% during the forecast period from 2018 to 2026.

The complete report is available at

Market Insights

The global egg production in 2016 registered a volume of 73,889.91 metric tons which is the highest in last 10 years and the number projected to grow consistently in coming years. The data clearly exhibit the number of eggs consumed reflecting the demand generated by rapidly expanding human population. Egg as a foodstuff is packed with several vital nutrients and loved by masses across the globe. The nutritive value and taste factor made egg an essential ingredient for several cuisines and dietary supplements. Food processing industries process millions of eggs each day in its natural, liquid and dried form and such enormous task cannot be performed without the help of egg processing equipment. The equipment performs several tasks such as load, wash, sort, break, separate yolks, pasteurize, dry, boil etc. This allows food processing companies to churn out greater quantity in relatively low time compared to manual labor in a more hygienic and cost-effective way. Growing demand for processed foodstuff & dietary supplements and proliferation of automation in food processing industry are the greatest drivers for egg processing equipment market.

Highly populated region of Asia Pacific including China and India holds great potential for the egg processing equipment market to propagate as the market in North America and Europe reaching their maturity. Besides, changing lifestyle and growing disposable income made a great impact on food habits and liking for processed food in developing countries of Asia Pacific. Realizing the opportunities, more and more food processing industries are flourishing in the region and thus, stimulating the demand for egg processing equipment.

Competitive Insights:

Fragmented nature of egg processing equipment market ignited severe competition between local and international manufacturers. Internation manufacturers are trying to cement their presence in new and developing market but facing fierce price war with small and local manufacturers. However, big companies are introducing improved cost-effective product versions for cost driven economies from Asia Pacific and Latin America region. This is certainly going to aid major egg processing equipment manufacturers to gain some advantage in new market. Few of the major notable players profiled in this research study Sanovo Technology Group, Actinit Group, OVO Tech, OVOBEL, PELBO S.p.A., Moba Group, Bouwhuis Enthoven BV, Dion Engineering, Midwest BRD, Inc., Ovoconcept, and ZenYer Egg Machinery Co., Ltd. among others.

Key Analysis Covered:

Changing food habits and rapidly progressing in food processing equipment and their effects on egg processing equipment market growth
Significant growth of end-use industries in food & beverages sector and their growth regulating the demand for egg processing equipment
Market scenario and demand for standalone egg processing equipment compared to turnkey assembly projects and their market values
Demand outline of egg processing equipment based on geography, demography and consumer preferences
Contribution of Government encouragement for egg production and consumption and its positive impact on egg processing equipment market
Role of agricultural regions such as Asia Pacific and Latin America to be played in propagation of egg processing equipment market

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Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1690937
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