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Domain Names First!

ID: 1686342

(PresseBox) - As the Austrian Registry has stated, 76.4% of companies choose the domain name according to the company name.

That''s not really surprisingly: Your own company name is logically the first choice. Just 21.8% of companies are considering generic names. This shows that many companies still need advice: the general potential of generic domain names and the possibility of traffic has not yet been recognized by many.

Astonishing: proceed in reverse

You should go the opposite way at start-ups: All business start-ups should - given the importance of marketing by means of Internet- get first an optimal domain name. Then they should check whether the company name based on the domain name faces legal difficulties.

Across industries, I can give you some advice: The domain name -and hence the company name - should be easy to remember, because the memorability is an unbeatable asset in the fight for long-term attention.

The memorability can consist in the sense of the term, its popularity, with his phonetics, with the emotions triggered by him, etc. A particularly important aspect: choose a short name. No matter what benefits the sound or meaning of the term represents, when he is short, it is particularly noticeable and memorable.

New Top Level Domains

Many new top level domains are "talking" domains. It turns out thus completely new possibilities for the marketing.

We quote SEDO with one possible case:

"It would be conceivable, for example, that Domain to register and henceforth have as company name simply A suitably designed logo for flyers or online advertising would then simultaneously the company name and the domain represent. Real domain-centric advertising. "

You can mirror your company name Meyer Ltd. or Miller Inc. at the web by or

This creates a very noticeable and memorable domain name. The memorability of the address of a website is the key to successful website marketing.

Involuntarily funny?

Even a fun wordplay can help you with marketing, but this is a dangerous terrain: "involuntarily funny" and "ridiculous" are possible ratings for over-strenuous efforts to wit. It threatens you also you may not understand the danger: an "insider joke" is not basis for a domain name and company name. Dennis Hopper called one of his companies "At the Edge LLC". We do not know whether he tried to get with this company bank loans and if so, if he got any.

Advice does not hurt

You should not be afraid, to get advice.

Contact us by secura(at) or your registrar. Registrars know the domain market better than you and know better what is possible. Possibly the chosen name is so good that you should not be afraid to buy it, when it is no longer free. Your advertising agency can also usually give good hints for a domain name. Your lawyer knows mostly spontaneously, which name the Chamber of Commerce will not approve. A conversation with the chamber of commerce can sometimes avoid in advance dubious name and clarify which company name is approvable and which not. Limited Liability Company or similiar must not be a part of your domain name


You should also choose a brand name when choosing the domain name / company name. Without a brand check, your choice of company name may lead to legal disputes. For brand checks you will find free tools on the internet.

Hans-Peter Oswald

Abdruck und Veroeffentlichung honorarfrei! Der Text

kann veraendert werden.

Secura GmbH ist ein von ICANN akkreditierter Registrar für Top Level Domains. Secura kann generische Domains registrieren, also, .net etc. und darüber hinaus fast alle aktiven Länder-Domains registrieren.

2018 landete Secura beim Industriepreis unter den Besten. Secura gewann 2016 den "Ai Intellectual Property Award 2016" als "Best International Domain Registration Firm - Germany". Beim "Innovationspreis-IT der Initiative Mittelstand 2016" wurde Secura als Innovator qualifiziert und wurde beim "Innovationspreis-IT der Initiative Mittelstand 2016" im Bereich e-commerce auch als einer der Besten ausgezeichnet. Beim Innovationspreis-IT der Initiative Mittelstand 2012 und beim Industriepreis 2012 landete Secura GmbH unter den Besten. Beim HOSTING & SERVICE PROVIDER AWARD 2012 verfehlte Secura nur knapp die Gewinner-Nominierung.

Seit 2013 ist Secura auch bei den Neuen Top Level Domains sehr aktiv. Secura meldet Marken für die Sunrise Period als Official Agent des Trade Mark Clearinghouse an.

ICANN-Registrar Secura GmbH

Frohnhofweg 18

D-50858 Koeln


Phone: +49 221 2571213

Fax: +49 221 9252272


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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Abdruck und Veroeffentlichung honorarfrei! Der Textkann veraendert werden.Secura GmbH ist ein von ICANN akkreditierter Registrar für Top Level Domains. Secura kann generische Domains registrieren, also, .net etc. und darüber hinaus fast alle aktiven Länder-Domains registrieren.2018 landete Secura beim Industriepreis unter den Besten. Secura gewann 2016 den "Ai Intellectual Property Award 2016" als "Best International Domain Registration Firm - Germany". Beim "Innovationspreis-IT der Initiative Mittelstand 2016" wurde Secura als Innovator qualifiziert und wurde beim "Innovationspreis-IT der Initiative Mittelstand 2016" im Bereich e-commerce auch als einer der Besten ausgezeichnet. Beim Innovationspreis-IT der Initiative Mittelstand 2012 und beim Industriepreis 2012 landete Secura GmbH unter den Besten. Beim HOSTING&SERVICE PROVIDER AWARD 2012 verfehlte Secura nur knapp die Gewinner-Nominierung.Seit 2013 ist Secura auch bei den Neuen Top Level Domains sehr aktiv. Secura meldet Marken für die Sunrise Period als Official Agent des Trade Mark Clearinghouse an.ICANN-Registrar Secura GmbHFrohnhofweg 18D-50858 KoelnGermanyPhone: +49 221 2571213Fax: +49 221 9252272secura(at)domainregistry.dehttp://www.domainregistry.de


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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: PresseBox
Datum: 11.01.2019 - 18:33 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1686342
Anzahl Zeichen: 0







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