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Failure to follow the new gun law!

ID: 1683197

A Million New Jersey Gun Owners Ignore State’s Magazine Ban!

(IINews) - When New Jersey passed its ban on possession of magazines containing more than 10 rounds in June, it gave the state’s million or so law-abiding gun owners 180 days to comply.

The law provided five options:
1) modify the offending magazines so they could accept no more than 10 rounds;
2) “render the firearm [that accepts such magazines] inoperable”;
3) register firearms that cannot be “modified to accommodate 10 or less rounds”;
4) transfer the firearm or the magazine to “an individual or entity entitled to own or possess it”; or
5) surrender the firearm or the magazine to local law enforcement.

The million or so law-abiding gun owners selected option 6) ignore the law and defy its enforcement.

The 180-day period expired on December 11, and not a single magazine has been turned in to any local law-enforcement agencies. The penalty for being found in possession of one of the newly offending magazines is stiff: It’s a felony, with punishment consisting of up to 18 months in jail, and up to $10,000 in fines, or both. When gun-hating liberals in the Colorado enclave known to some as “the Peoples’ Republic of Boulder” passed a law banning possession of “assault weapons,” “high-capacity” magazines, and “bump stocks” last May, gun owners reacted similarly.

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PresseKontakt / Agentur:

International Operative Services e.K.
Lindenstr. 11, 27419 Sittensen, Germany

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: Lucky20095
Datum: 26.12.2018 - 15:17 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1683197
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Horst Ruetten


Telefon: +1 786 871 3390


Politik & Gesellschaft


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