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The Winklerhotels – The perfect Familiy Holiday for everyone

ID: 1666060

(IINews) -
luxury hotels in the alps – With great Outdoor Activities

The landscape of the dolomites is unique in the world. It is a beautiful and idyllic nature, with its blue light grey mountains, the blue sky, and green hayfields full of flowers. In this wonderful alpine scenery you can breathe deeply the refreshing air. And of course there are great hotels which arrange your stay as an unforgettable experience. The Winklerhotels in Pustertal offer you recreative moments in their Premium Spa Resorts. The traditional family establishment attaches importance to quality and exclusiveness. So if you want a vacation of first class, you will be right at the Winklerhotels.

Hotels in Northern Italy – Explore the Mountains on a Mountain Bike
Guests have the choice between many different outdoor activities. The mountains are best nature for hiking, climbing or taking a tour with your mountain bike. In spring, summer and autumn these are great activities which affect a lot of fun. In winter skiing, snowshoeing and sledging are the favorites. Therefore, at any time of the year, you can enjoy fascination of nature and can exploit yourself.

Italian Alps Hotels – with diverse activities, specials and spa highlights
Many Spa offers help you to relax after an active day in the nature. Take a break and explore the spa area of the hotel. It is worth it. You have the choice between pool, sauna, fitness and some pleasant therapies, which are focused on your personal and individual desires. In addition to that there is also time for romance. If you have any wishes or ideas to surprise your darling, the hosts would like to help you to realize your imagination and to create memorable moments for you.
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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: muellersteffanie
Datum: 31.10.2018 - 17:20 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1666060
Anzahl Zeichen: 0




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