C-QUADRAT Investment Group AG launches new strategic partnership with Quantic Risk Solutions
(ots) - The C-QUADRAT Investment Group is to take its next
strategic step toward digitalization and acquire a 50.1% interest in
Quantic Risk Solutions GmbH. This company was established 6 years
ago, has six partners and specializes in quantitative fundamental and
risk analysis. The C-Quadrat Investment Group will thus strengthen
its position in the field of quantitative asset management with the
use of next-generation technologies.
By means of an innovative, quantitative approach, the proprietary
products "CreditDynamix" and "AssetDynamix" combine the entire
financial data of stock exchange-listed companies and also companies
not listed on the stock exchange. These systems predict the financial
performance of individual companies. For this purpose, market and
fundamental data are analyzed through a fully automated process and
risk and investment strategies thus identified. The relevant company
universe and specific macroeconomic scenarios can be individually
defined. As the basis for this process, data of many millions of
companies worldwide are quantitatively assessed, predicted and
awarded a risk rating and incorporated in overall strategies.
This quantitative approach is unique and represents a new
evolutionary stage for the risk, insurance and investment world.
Several well-known and systemically important European banks and
insurance firms are already using the product "CreditDynamix".
"Through this equity investment, the C-Quadrat Investment Group
will be able to further develop its expertise in the field of
quantitative asset management and expand its product portfolio to
include risk management services," says C-Quadrat founder and CEO
Alexander Schütz of this new partnership.
"With the C-Quadrat Investment Group, we have found a top
professional partner. "We are sure that together we will establish a
new benchmark in the financial sector," remarks Walter Mussil,
founder and partner of Quantic Risk Solutions.
For further information from C-Quadrat:
Andreas Wimmer
Schottenfeldgasse 20, A-1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 515 66 316
E-mail: a.wimmer(at)investmentfonds.at
For further information from Quantic Risk Solutions:
Axel Walek MA
Opernring 1/E522, A-1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43 699 10 30 1200
E-mail: aw(at)quanticrisk.com
Digitale Pressemappe: http://www.ots.at/pressemappe/3309/aom
Original-Content von: C-QUADRAT Investment AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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Datum: 09.10.2018 - 09:03 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1658084
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