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CeBIT 2010 Hannover Deutschland - Gateway TechnoLabs ist alles zu präsentieren gesetzt sein Know-how

ID: 161936

Gateway Technolab, a leading Software Outsourcing & Development Company, its range of innovative and creative Software Outsourcing & Software Development Services at CeBIT 2010th

(IINews) - This gateway is the sixth year in a row at CeBIT. Gateway is committed to providing the world with superior software products and services. At CeBIT, will be shown again Technolab gateway expertise in various technologies and services. The company, with extensive experience in the areas of Microsoft technologies, open source solution, rich Internet applications, multimedia solutions, testing, development of mobile applications. It has experience in the development of custom applications, enterprise applications, web community portals, remote infrastructure management and IT support services for the European market.

CeBIT is the world's largest trade fair showcasing digital IT and communications solutions for small and large organizations. CeBIT offers an opportunity for the company come together and present their strategies and products. Gateway is taking part in the CeBIT 2010 trade fair in Hanover, Germany, from 2 March to 6 March 2010th

The barn will be on A58-1 present in Hall 4 Company also offers free tickets. Please follow these steps to their tickets.

1. Visit us
2. An appointment and get your free ticket via e-mail.

Or write to us at germany(at) and one of the employees will receive immediately you quickly.

The market CeBIT show is an ideal platform for gateway and to present its services and technological strength on the European. Gateway will have the full ability of the B2B trade show in the options and instead wants to show their skills in various applications, to show the European IT-business owners and other potential customers worldwide in the market. The company's goal is to strengthen the global business relations and to further develop and expand their business and to reach European customers with their presence, which ultimately will be the onshore and offshore services to benefit.

With more than a decade of experience in the European market and with our flexible working modules make us a preferred choice of development partners over others. Our engagement models are flexible, scalable, secure and custom defined for specific individual needs of our customers. With this we Ensure that we follow to Ensure the right strategy, business transformation, lower operational costs and quick time to market. We Ensure 100% success for our clients and firms in the process, Ensure business continuity for us,''says Mr. Shah Pavak, Commercial Director - Gateway TechnoLab.

Gateway Technolab always believe in long-term customer relationships and a proper partnership approach with our clients. At GTL, we are always pleased to go an extra mile with our customers.

Facts About Gateway TechnoLab

• Since its inception, it has made its presence in the following countries: the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Britain, France, USA.
• A spotless delivery record of over 650 +-Projects.
• Of the 900 + employees worldwide, a team of 800 + software development professionals working in our offshore development center in India.
• Strong partnership in place as a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, Adobe Solution Partner, HP Business Partner.
In recognition of outstanding organization with customers and the continued support Gateway Group over the years have received many trophies and awards:
• Best Software Company in Gujarat "by Gęsia * (Gujarat Electronics & Software Industries Association)
• Excellence Award from IES (Institute of Economic Studies)
• UDYOG RATNA AWARD by IES (Institute of Economic Studies)
• AMITY CORPORATE EXCELLENCE AWARD by Amity International Business School, Noida
• Corp. Excellence Award in the small "business category" 2008.

Gateway Group of Companies
B/81, Corporate House,
Judges Bungalow Road, Bodak Dev,
Ahmedabad - 380.054 th
Tel: +91-98250 60.750

Mr. Shah Pavak
commercial director
E-mail: germany(at)

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Gateway TechnoLab specializes in the business of providing software outsourcing & offshore software development services to its clients globally. Our expertise lies in reducing costs and enhancing productivity by bringing the strategic advantage of software outsourcing and offshore software development to the very doorsteps of our customers in more ways than one. By improving reliability, speed and agility, we enable our customers to achieve sustainable differential advantage over their competitors.


Gateway Group of Companies
B/81, Corporate House,
Judges Bungalow Road, Bodak Dev,
Ahmedabad - 380,054 th
Tel: +91-98250 60,750

PresseKontakt / Agentur:

Gateway Group of Companies
B/81, Corporate House,
Judges Bungalow Road, Bodak Dev,
Ahmedabad - 380.054 th
Tel: +91-98250 60.750

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: gatewaytl
Datum: 12.02.2010 - 10:08 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 161936
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Niraj Gemawat


Telefon: +91-79-26852554 / 55 / 56




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