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SAVE-THE-DATE Press Conference: World Robotics CEO Roundtable 2018 - Robots and AI - International Federation of Robotics, automatica Munich, 20th June

ID: 1619172

(ots) - Robots and AI: Vision and Reality - Press

At the CEO Round Table in Munich, the IFR President will give a
preview on the new World Robotics Report 2018 with breaking news
about the global automation race with robots.

Three CEOs from FANUC, KUKA and ABB, a robot expert from DHL and
Professor Siciliano will discuss "Robots and AI - Vision and Reality

Where: At the World Robotics CEO Round Table 2018 hosted by the
International Federation of Robotics (IFR) at automatica, Messe
Munich (Restaurant Turmblick, Entrance East)

When: 20th June 2018 (09:15 am to 11:15 am) The expert panel is
looking forward to welcoming you to the ensuing discussion:


- Dr. Kiyonori Inaba, FANUC CORPORATION, Director Executive
Managing Officer, General Manager, ROBOT Business Division, Japan

- Stefan Lampa, KUKA ROBOTER, CEO Germany

- Per Vegard Nerseth, ABB ROBOTICS, Group Senior Vice President,

Robot user

- Markus Kueckelhaus, DHL, Vice President Innovation & Trend
Research, Germany,


- Professor Dr. Bruno Siciliano, University of Naples Federico II,


- Ken Fouhy, Editor in Chief, VDI Nachrichten

Agenda overview:

- Preview on new data World Robotics Industrial Robots 2018 by IFR
President Junji Tsuda
- Discussion on "Robots and AI: Vision and
- Q&A
- Personal interviews with the panelists (optional) -
Get together

For your free press registration please contact Carsten Heer:
E-Mail: Carsten.Heer(at) Phone: +49 (0) 40 82244 284

Press conference - World Robotics International CEO Round Table 2018
by The International Federation of Robotics (IFR)
20th June 2018
09:15 hrs to 11:15 hrs

Messe Munich Restaurant Turmblick, Entrance East


The International Federation of Robotics:

About automatica automatica is an international trade fair for
robotics and automation and the central meeting point for
manufacturers and users of integrated assembly solutions, robotics,
industrial machine vision and professional service robotics. With the
trend-setting topics digital transformation in manufacturing,
human-robot collaboration and service robotics, automatica makes an
important contribution to designing Work 4.0 at places where people
bear more responsibility than ever before. At the last event in
2016, a total of 833 exhibitors from 47 countries presented their
products and solutions; 43.052 visitors from more than 100 countries
came to the Munich trade fair. Messe München GmbH and VDMA Robotics +
Automation, conceptual sponsor of the trade fair, are behind the
industry-driven concept of automatica. automatica takes place every
two years. The next fair will be in Munich on June 19 to 22, 2018.

Carsten Heer
+49 40 822 44 284

Original-Content von: The International Federation of Robotics, übermittelt durch news aktuell

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Datum: 11.06.2018 - 07:32 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1619172
Anzahl Zeichen: 0







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