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Football Synthetic Grass

ID: 1611292

The football sythetic grass series has the athletic performance comparable to the natural grass, which can provide the athletes and users with effective sports protection to prevent the fall injury. At the same time, the post-maintenance of artificial turf is convenient and saves us the cost. Also, football artificial grass series is easy to install and use cycle length.

(IINews) - The football sythetic grass series has the athletic performance comparable to the natural grass, which can provide the athletes and users with effective sports protection to prevent the fall injury. At the same time, the post-maintenance of artificial turf is convenient and saves us the cost. Also, football artificial grass series is easy to install and use cycle length.

Football artificial grass was introduced to the football field in the 1970s. Some association football clubs in Europe installed synthetic surfaces in the 1980s, which were called “plastic pitches” (often derisively) in countries such as England. At that time, the host of major events and most of the football players chose natural grass as their first choice. At the same time, Turf gained a bad reputation on both sides of the Atlantic with fans and especially with players. The first football artificial grass was a far harder surface than grass and soon became known as an unforgiving playing surface that was prone to cause more injuries, and in particular, more serious joint injuries, than would comparatively be suffered on a grass surface.

Today, the higher quality football artificial grass and natural turf have very similar basically, the ground movement indicators are more closed to natural grass, even better on certain features, and also not easy to be broken like natural grass, but very tough, resistant to wear and tear, silk soft grass at the same time, good elasticity, can effectively reduce the chance of injury. Experiments show that the risk of injury on football artificial grass is 10 to 14 percent lower than that of natural turf.

Another thing to note is that you must ensure that you are using qualified, high-quality football artificial grass. High-quality football artificial grass silky soft, flexible surface can prevent fall damage, effectively protect the athlete’s ankles. Inferior artificial grass, its raw material may not be environmentally friendly, and even contain harmful metal, wiregrass dry brittle hard easy loose wool fiber, height and density is not enough, lack of flexibility, lamination and backing slants thin, can’t protect to the football players. Playing on such turf is indeed more vulnerable.

By the way, training and competition on football artificial grass will vary, mainly in the speed of the ball, and the movement of the ball is more variable. The players themselves have an inherent bias towards playing on artificial grass, often feeling more tired from playing on grass and demanding more technical skills. But, for the public football fields, the use of natural grass is obviously unrealistic things, artificial grass is more suitable for football promotion needs, especially in cold areas, Artificial grass doesn’t require any sunlight and are therefore more cost-efficient in terms of running costs than natural grass. It can allow more users to experience the fun of football.

The development of products is a gradual process of continuous improvement, continuous research, and development, continuous innovation to get better user experience. There are many deficiencies in the football artificial grass, but these deficiencies will be well solved in the future.

Click here to select the suitable artificial grass for you.

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Vaygrass is the One-Stop artificial turf supplier in China, control the quality from the original material and use COBBLE Brand tufting machines. We have been focused on the innovation of R&D technology to strive towards the satisfaction of our customers. Our highest quality artificial grass can be used for landscaping designs, playgrounds, pet areas, traffic medians, roof-tops, sports fields, putting greens and more.

Quality is everything for Vaygrass. Our synthetic turfs not only look as realistic as possible in natural grass and have soft touch but also higher wear resistance and high UV stability. Each one of our synthetic grass has passed vigorous tests and far exceed government standards.


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eMail: joker(at)

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#2, Changcheng South Road, Chengyang, 266108, Qingdao, China

Tel:+86-185 6282 9651
eMail: joker(at)

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: JokerSmile
Datum: 16.05.2018 - 11:16 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1611292
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: JokerSmile


Telefon: +86-18562829651




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