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AP 550 – the introductory model among separating agent application systems

ID: 159846

Diedorf, January 2010 – in the shape of the introductory model AP 550 from its well-known AP series, the Bavarian company Grafotec Spray Systems GmbH is once again demonstrating flexibility and innovative potential in the field of separating agent application in the glass industry.

AP 550 – the introductory model among separating agent application systemsAP 550 – the introductory model among separating agent application systems

(IINews) - Highly specialised production lines in the float glass and flat glass sector usually require neither special functions nor special productions for protection of their glass. These devices are however rare and usually result in an impasse in the development of an existing production line. Grafotec Spray Systems GmbH is showing an innovative way out in the form of its new AP system.

Simple construction with tried and trusted quality
The powder application device of the new AP system is optimised in its delivery condition for basic protection of float glass and flat glass and can be readily integrated in existing production lines – also owing to the space-saving design. Its interior workings consist of the customary user-friendly control electronics. Its metering unit is identical to that of the AP series. The patented nozzle system is also structurally identical to the tried and trusted series and allows application of all common commercially available separating agents in powder form for the float glass and flat glass field. Unlike its big brothers, the AP 550 is limited to a nozzle beam with a maximum of 24 nozzles and a maximum width of 4200 millimetres and is supplied with only one metering unit module with a 15-litre powder reservoir.

Flexibly adaptable owing to modular construction
As with all AP systems from Grafotec Spray Systems GmbH, the introductory model AP 550 can be adapted to the specific requirements of the production line. Extension of the control electronics, housing or an aspiration unit is also possible with the AP 550. “Our introductory model is not limited to one functionality”, the managing director Reinhold Senft emphasises. “It can be adapted to customers’ wishes – also without exchanging the entire unit – in the same manner as in a modular system. The AP 550 is therefore by no means an impasse. Instead, it offers our customers a financially acceptable and high quality introduction to the protection of float glass and flat glass”.

At an introductory price of approx. 19,500 EUR, the AP 550 has been delivered internationally since the beginning of January. Further information about the AP 550 and all other systems from Grafotec Spray Systems GmbH can be found at:

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

Grafotec Spray Systems GmbH
Keimstrasse 7a
D- 86420 Diedorf

Reinhold Senft
+49 0821 906990

PresseKontakt / Agentur:

Grafotec Spray Systems GmbH
Keimstrasse 7a
D- 86420 Diedorf

Reinhold Senft
+49 0821 906990

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: Grafotec
Datum: 06.02.2010 - 08:02 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 159846
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Grafotec Spray Systems GmbH




Meldungsart: PresseMitteilung
Versandart: Veröffentlichung
Freigabedatum: 07.02.2010

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"AP 550 – the introductory model among separating agent application systems"
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