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Varied and Dynamic Multi-Centre Holidays

ID: 1563751

Luxury travel expert John Dixon explains how multi-centre holidays help variation-seeking tourists experience more on their travels and maximise fun.

(IINews) - A multi-centre holiday lets tourists hop between different cities and often regions, changing their base in order to make the most of their short getaway. These breaks require a bit of planning and cater more to the inquisitive get-up-and-go types than the beach holiday enthusiasts. Although requiring some hard work before you get out there, multi-centre holidays offer rich rewards to those looking for variation and diversity on holiday.

Pleasing Everyone

Often, if you are travelling with your family, a group, or maybe just a friend, there are different things that everyone wants to do and see. One person might want to have a beach day or two, while another might wish to go walking in the foothills. With a multi-centre holiday, groups can please everyone by doing a bit of everything. This way everyone stays happy and arguments are easily avoided.

Variation – The Spice of Life

Another good reason to want variation is so that you can see and do the largest possible range of things while on holiday. A mix of places means changing cultures, customs and perspectives. It leads to new experiences and discoveries. If you love Byzantine churches in one region, you are likely to enjoy them even more when you find out how they differ in the next.

Great Destinations for a Multi-Centre Holiday

For variation and exploration, fewer places in the Mediterranean are better than Sicily or Croatia. Both locations can be enjoyed staying in one place, but, if you do a little bit of planning, moving around can be so much more rewarding.


The large Italian island of Sicily is very diverse with multiple varieties of terrain, food and activity to experience. In Palermo, Sicily’s capital, visitors experience the many different cultures and beliefs that swirl together in the city. The cuisine is a combination of these with traditional Italian dishes incorporating spicy African ingredients. An hour down the road, Sicily’s best beach San Vito Lo Capo ticks the box for beach lovers. For fans of mountain passes, small decorative churches and quiet villages, the centre of the island has plenty to offer.


Croatia has loads of great destinations chock-full of varied experiences. The capital Zagreb is a quirky mix of cafes, museums and bars with a bustling music scene ranging from classic opera to underground electronic music – sure to please everyone and at the fraction of the cost of back home. Away from the capital, many travellers wish to visit the Plitvice Lakes, a collection of 16 lakes connected by waterfalls. This national park has gorgeous walking trails and boasts some of the most stunning views in the Med. With a huge coastline, little fishing villages like Makarska also offer boat-loving visitors plenty of opportunity to get their toes wet.

Holiday Planning

If a multi-centre holiday sounds like your cup of tea, get in touch with the team at Prestige Holidays to sort out good quality hotels and accommodation. Your imagination is the only limit when it comes to this kind of holiday!

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

John Dixon is an experienced world traveller and the Managing Director of Prestige Holidays. For over 30 years he has been providing luxury holidays to Croatia, Sicily and many other destinations around the globe. Whether you’re looking for an all-inclusive or a multi-centre holiday, John and his team have the experience and expertise to put together the perfect package to suit your holiday style. He has a taste for the finer things in life and has an interest in arts, history and culture.


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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: Holmfdr
Datum: 18.12.2017 - 15:46 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1563751
Anzahl Zeichen: 0




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