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FUJIFILM Europe launches low migration coatings for food packaging

ID: 154833

FUJIFILM Europe launches low migration coatings for food packaging

(pressrelations) - >
FUJIFIILM Europe today announces the availability of a new range of low migration coatings for the food packaging industry, which expands on its already sizeable pressroom offering. These new coatings comply with the European regulation (EG) 1935/2004, and provide printers with a safe and proven option in the printing of food packaging.

Fujifilm has launched both UV and water based coatings, each with a low migration rate, which comply with European regulation (EG) 1935/2004 meaning they are the ideal choice for packaging which comes into contact with food. The coatings offer extremely high reliability, as well as a very good rub resistance, high wet block resistance and fast drying. They are able to print gloss or matt and are very easy to handle.

The European regulation (EG) 1935/2004 states that anyone who produces packaging which comes into contact with food carries complete responsibility to ensure that the packaging is of a certain standard to prevent the migration of any chemical substance into the food. Packaging printers faced with a changing industry and increased levels of responsibility can find it difficult to be certain that they are in complete compliance with everything now required of them. With the launch of this new range of coatings and its wealth of knowledge in this area, Fujifilm is able to help packaging printers ensure they are in compliance and that they provide safe and suitable packaging to the end user.

Dieter Zang, technical manager Graphic Arts Chemicals, FUJIFILM Europe, comments, ``We take great pride in working closely with our customers to advise on the best coating that can be used for individual applications. Many customers still find this an extremely confusing area and are ill- informed as to the changes they should make within their printing processes. We are in the perfect position to be able to offer information and advice, and actively encourage printers and print buyers to come to us to discuss their concerns and requirements respectively.´´

Fujifilm has been active in the development of chemistry for the pressroom for many years and provides a wide range of solutions to the printing industry including founts, coatings, washes and glues. All solutions are designed to enable its customers to get the best out of their presses, whatever the application.

For further questions please contact:
Corporate Communications

Heesenstr. 31
40549 Duesseldorf - Germany

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Datum: 21.01.2010 - 12:21 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 154833
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