New Publication “BU DONG – When Strange Things Become Familiar” by Oliver Meidl
An international IT project manager recounts insights from his travels through Europe, America, and Asia
(IINews) - “It’s all Greek to me,” “This sounds like Chinese,” and “That’s double Dutch,” as people say. Everyone knows these sayings and has already given them some thought. At the same time, it is clear: Greek, Chinese, and Dutchmen cannot use these expressions.
Oliver Meidl sheds light on interpersonal misunderstandings and cultural habits. In his book “BU DONG” – after the Chinese phrase for “I don’t understand” – the three-time author demonstrates that we all have one thing in common: mutual incomprehension and fear of the strange.
One thing is clear: The Spaniards literally say “This sounds Chinese to me,” while something may sound “Spanish” to a German or “Arabic” to an Italian. Different nations try to express their lack of understanding of occurrences and words in reference to various countries. The explanation of these idioms can be found in historic events, such as the Spanish court ceremonial, which appeared strange to ladies and gentlemen in German-speaking domains.
The readers of “BU DONG – When Strange Things Become Familiar” can expect a brisk style of writing with numerous idioms in different languages. Oliver Meidl points out how similar we are and that we have to overcome the same hurdles in the end. Travel enthusiasts, who the author addresses with chapters like “Never Say Never to Travels,” get a series of funny tips on international “Do’s” and “Don’ts.”
In addition, the creation of this book triggered a change process, which the author – an experienced project manager – describes as a “self-experiment in change management” to which he devotes a separate section. Time and again, he also addresses crises in life, and describes how he achieved his purposeful objective of a “very personal comeback (with a paperback).”
The book “BU DONG – When Strange Things Become Familiar” by Oliver Meidl is available at myMorawa in English as well as in German, as hardcover, softcover, and e-book. myMorawa offers independent authors an in-house software, extensive support, and connections to major sales partners as well as to Morawa bookshops.
“BU DONG (International English Edition) – When Strange Things Become Familiar”
Oliver Meidl
Number of Pages: 196
ISBN: 978-3-99057-883-4
Dimensions: 4.7 x 7.5 inches
Date of Publication: 7.17.2017
Paperback: 12.99 €
Hardcover ISBN / Price: 978-3-99057-884-1 / 21.99 €
eBook ISBN / Price: 978-3-99057-885-8 / 4.99 €
“BU DONG (German Edition) – Wenn Fremdes vertraut wird”
Oliver Meidl
Number of Pages: 228
ISBN: 978-3-99057-880-3
Dimensions: 12.0 cm x 19.0 cm
Date of Publication: 7.18.2017
Paperback: 12.99 €
Hardcover ISBN / Price: 978-3-99057-881-0 / 21.99 €
eBook ISBN / Price: 978-3-99057-882-7 / 4.99 €
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Datum: 04.10.2017 - 09:13 Uhr
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